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Emotional Intelligence and Intelligence Quotient Comparison

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Psychology
Wordcount: 1638 words Published: 3rd Apr 2018

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Cueto, Pauline Joy Reyes, Chiara Diokno, Debielyn

EQ vs. IQ

Emotional Intelligence is more essential than Intelligence Quotient because it produces good relationship to others; give a balanced psychological health and leads to success of an individual.

People’s awareness on both IQ and EQ started in the early 1900’s. The first IQ testing took place when psychologist Albert Binet, was ordered under French supervision, to help decide which students were most likely to have trouble in school. He and his partner, Theodore Simon, then prepared a set of questions tackling things that were not taught in school. After seeing the results, he came to a realization that a number of children can answer difficult questions that older children were capable of while some were only able to give answers typical to their age. With this obsevartion, he suggested the concept of mental age. (Cherry, n.d)

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According to Golis (2007), with regards to the study of EQ however, Daniel Goleman’s book entitled “Emotional Intelligence” which popularized the concept behind said topic, was inspired by the work of Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer. They discovered in one study that people who have high emotional clarity, after watching an upsetting film can recover quickly. And in another study, people who have a high ability to accurately perceive and understand ones emotions, can flexibly respond to their social environment and build social networks.

The purpose of this research is to examine issues surrounding the concepts of IQ and EQ, a theory of intelligence quotient and emotional quotient. This aims to differentiate their characteristics, benefits and effects to determine which is more important. It considers key factors that influence our perspective on which is more efficient intelligence to use throughout our life.

The significance of this research is to provide us knowledge how intelligence is measured as well as the characteristics and purpose of Emotional Intelligence and Intelligence Quotient. We can know how it differs to each other and the uses of that intelligence in an individual’s life. We can conclude which one is better that can leads people to success.

Intelligence Quotient is a value that specifies a person’s capability to acquire knowledge, comprehend, and apply the things learned in a significant way. It measures concepts concerning logical thinking rather than artistic and emotional ability (“What is the difference of EQ and IQ? “, n.d).

There are eight types of Intelligence Quotient. First, linguistic and verbal intelligence: having a talent with language. Second, logical intelligence: good with problem solving and logic. Third, spatial intelligence: good with structural formations. Fourth, body movement intelligence: good with physical exertion. Fifth, musical intelligence: good with rhythm or with music. Sixth, interpersonal intelligence: good with communication and is perceptive to moods, etc of others. Seventh, intrapersonal intelligence: good with analyzing inner characteristics of oneself. Last, naturalist intelligence: good with understanding and categorize patterns in the natural world (“8 Types of IQ”, n.d).

Others with a high IQ may be faster learners and could make links amid ideas that others miss. By having a brillant mind, there are all-round cognitive benefits much like there are all-round physical benefits to being in good shape physically. Having a high IQ in work can do problem solving, adaptability, continuous improvement and being flexible in workplace.

(“What is the difference of EQ and IQ? “, n.d).

Emotional Quotient (EQ) refers to ones’ capacity to distinguish, organize, assess, and convey emotions. It is a way to gauge how a person identifies emotion in him or her and others, and handle these emotional conditions to work better as a group or team. (“IQ or EQ, what should be our priority?“, n.d).

There are three models of EI. First, the “ability model”, developed by Peter Salovey and John Mayer, focuses on the individual’s ability to process emotional information and use it to navigate the social environment. Second, the”trait model” as developed by Konstantin Vasily Petrides, encompasses behavioral dispositions and self-perceived abilities and is measured through self-report. The final model, the mixed model is a combination of both ability and trait EQ. It defines EQ as an array of skills and characteristics that drive leadership performance, as proposed by Daniel Goleman

(“Emotional Intelligence”, n.d).

Our emotional skills have a direct and important bearing on our relationships with others. People with higher emotional intelligence find it easier to form and maintain interpersonal relationships and to ‘fit in’ to group situations. Second, people with higher EQs are also better at understanding their own psychological state, this can include managing stress effectively and being less likely to suffer from depression.Third, the concept of emotional intelligence has had a strong impact in a number of areas, including the business world. Many companies now mandate emotional intelligence training and utilize EQ tests as part of the hiring process. Studies have shown that people with high EQ have greater mental health, exemplary job performance, and more potent leadership skills. Markers of EI and methods of developing it have become more widely coveted in the past few decades. (Stein, 2006).

In order to gather data on the subject, the researchers made a survey that was answered by 30 respondents or students of De La Salle Lipa. This was done in order to gain data based on the opinions of the students regarding the topic of which they think is more important in their life, EQ or IQ. The survey questions mostly required answers on the comparison of which of the two said subjects is more advantageous.

Graph 1. EQ vs. IQ

Graph 1 shows the number of respondents who chose EQ as more important than IQ. Among the 30 respondents, 67 percent of the students chose EQ while 33 percent chose IQ. This is probably because the respondents of the survey are students and teenagers tend to act with their emotions rather than logical thinking.

Graph 2. The number of respondents who chose that they can handle stress better with EQ

Graph 2 shows the number of students who chose that they can handle stress better with EQ. Among the 30 respondents, 45 percent chose that they can handle stress better with EQ, 36 percent chose they can decide more properly with emotions, 14 percent chose that having social relationship among others bring success and 5 percent shows that they can have better leadership skills. The respondents usually encounter emotional stress from social aspects rather than stress from academics. This is why they use emotional intelligence rather than intelligence quotient.

It supports one of the characteristic of EQ is to allow people to manage stress in handling their problems in their everyday life. (“How to Develop Emotional Intelligence”)

Graph 3. The number of respondents who chose that they can have high GPA and a higher chance of getting a better job with IQ

Graph 3 shows the number of respondents who chose that they can have high GPA and a higher chance of getting a better job with IQ. Among the respondents, 50 percent chose that having a high GPA will give them an improved chance at getting a better job, 25 percent chose that with more responsibilities, they can gain more opportunities, 13 percent chose that they can think of logical ways in solving problems and 12 percent chose that they can be more flexible in handling jobs in a workplace.

Having a high IQ gets one through school since 50 percent answered that having better grades will bring them to a higher chance of opportunities that leads them to successful life. (“EQ vs. IQ”)

Graph 4. The number of respondents who chose that having a high EQ provides numerous advantages

In this part of the survey, the students were given ten characteristics or advantages to choose which of the two, IQ and EQ is more practical. There were 58 percent of the respondents who chose EQ while 42 percent chose IQ. The respondents were still lacking in experience so they are not thinking of the consequence of most of their actions and only acts on impulse based on the information they have.


The researchers concluded that:

  1. Emotional Intelligence is more important than Intelligence Quotient.
  2. Emotional Intelligence provides many advantages to a person’s life such as being able to handle stress better, etc.
  3. Emotional intelligence has more characteristics that people consider to be more practical.


  1. The researchers suggest wider information source about the said topic.
  2. The researchers recommend having an interview with a professor and a successful person to help analyze and gather more facts to prove that having a high emotional intelligence can lead to success.
  3. The researchers recommend larger a number of respondents as well as longer time for them to answer the survey questionnaires.


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