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Can War Ever Be Eradicated?

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Politics
Wordcount: 1377 words Published: 15th May 2017

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Our world is inherently inconsistent; it is constructed on the eternal conflict, on constant contradictions. Knowingly there black and white, the north and the south, right and left exist. Each conflict eventually expands until the time when the person cannot supervise it any more. Frequently it also leads to revolutions, wars, intestine conflicts. Throughout all world history, the person has lived for only a few years without war, he has constantly fought for the right to exist, for the freedom, land, power etc. Together with the development of the humankind, this fight became more and more rigid. At the same time, the weapon, which gradually bore more and more destructions, also developed, which made the fight crueler. War inherently does not know any winners. To some extent, everyone in it is a looser, because each side bears an enormous amount of losses: human lives, money, and territory. The conflict of individuals is an everyday occurrence in a modern life; war covers bigger amount of people. More often it arises because of the requirement of the person to operate, and brings much more global destructions and does not influence separate people any more, but the whole society. War, as a phenomenon, cannot be eradicated, because modern processes of globalization, development of terrorism and desire of the power promote the development of war.

Modern process of globalization as process of increasing influence of various factors of the international value on the social validity in the separate countries is one of the reasons why war cannot be eradicated. (Reference) Globalization became real aspect of the modern world system, one of the most influential forces defining the further process of our civilization. Globalization process opens new possibilities, but it is also fraught with negative consequences. Globalization influences formation of potential conflicts in the conditions of a competition. Unfair distribution of the blessings creates threat of conflicts at regional, national and international levels. Globalization causes defined amount of problems. One of them is connected with a question who appears in a prize from this globalization. Most often basic part of advantages is received by the rich countries. The second problem is connected with potential regional or global instability because of interdependence of national economies at world level. Local economic fluctuations or crises in one country can have regional or even global consequences. Such possibility carries not only theoretical character, and is quite real. That can be confirmed with a financial crisis in Asia, which have begun in the summer of 1997 in Thailand, and then threw on other countries of South East Asia, having reached South Korea, too. The similar phenomenon testifies the big vulnerability of the interconnected economy. World recession or depression is capable to cause appeals to break off an interconnection and the dependences created during globalization, just as it and has occurred at the time of Great depression of 1930ies in the USA. The economic conflict with a threat of transformation into economic war or even military collision can become the result. So, globalization, which is very actual nowadays, provokes conflicts between the countries, frequently even military ones.

Development of the international terrorism as the certificate of violence against citizens or objects for the purpose of destabilization of a public order in the country or complication of the international relations, also does not allow eradicating war. (Reference) If in the middle of XX century the terrorism was considered as the local phenomenon, but already to the beginning of the third millennium, it has captured the most part of the world. Now there does not remain a place on the earth, where the terrorism has not got in. Terrorism acts have already taken place practically on each continent, but struggle against this terrorism cannot be won in a way of only defeating separate terrorist organizations, because everywhere in the Islamic world there are people supporting Sacred war, especially against the USA. The vivid example of it is an act of terrorism on September 11, 2001 in New York, which caused retaliatory measures of protection from the USA side. The First World War has begun with murder of the successor of an Austro-Hungarian throne, which also can be considered as an act of terrorism. In addition, for today fears that acts of international terrorism and retaliatory measures of the states can end with one more world war are expressed more and more often. Events of the year 2006 in the Near East have shown how real the threat of the world war world war is. Though acts of terrorism have caused only the war on the local level, only between two countries, it is impossible to forget that the world community was on a hair from other counties retraction in war, Syria, Iran and the USA in the first place. In addition, proceeding from the statistical data, the quantity of acts of terrorism in 2005 exceeded the amount of 13.000. Such considerable quantity of acts of terrorism puts the world on the side of a war. That means that the international terrorism is a cause of war, but also that presence of the international terrorism means presence of constant wars.

One of the main reasons for almost every war in the history of mankind were and still are a capture of territories, desire of a profit, but only this purpose has been disguised — under the pretext of belief, democracy etc. Each country separately thirsts for the new markets, resources, money, i.e. everyone wants to predominate over the others. Moreover, there will always be the state, which will be dissatisfied with its present position, which finally will start the conflict. Zones of economic influence of Great Britain, Japan and Russia have narrowed for last 15 years. Thus, those zones have essentially extended at the republic of South Africa and Germany. Influence of China on a state of economic affairs promptly amplifies. Zones of economic influence of the USA, Italy and France have undergone less considerable changes. Struggle for spheres of economic influence has led to the situation that on a part of territories there was a collision of economic interests at the several states at once, rivalry between which has in certain cases taken the form of a confrontation. Unfortunately, the human is greedy — the higher is his post, the stronger is a desire of the power. There are antidemocratic countries, such as Iran, Iraq, the North Korea in the modern world, for which the main aim is capture of territories and imposing of their opinion. Absence of democracy in the separate countries is a war cloud, one of its possible preconditions. The history knows several ethnic, international conflicts, which, in fact, were caused by motives that are more religious. In 20 century, ethnic wars started to carry more global character. Having begun with the fascism, which has proclaimed destruction of Jews and Slavs, their number increases in a geometrical progression, messages on them fill screens of TVs and the press. International divisions have also concerned outwardly safe Europe: Czechs and Slovaks, Scots and English; the Canadian French and English, Arabs and Jews. The government always had a choice. World problems could be solved peacefully, without applying physical strength, but it would mean loss of the power over the others that is unacceptable for the psychology of the person.

Each competitive country wishes to own the greatest influence and the most productive way — war (i.e. while globalization develops, the states will choose war for achievement political, economic, etc. the purposes). Moreover, force has always been called upon because it is an ultimate method by which peoples, whether individually or in national groups, have been able to achieve their desires. Based on the set forth above it can be said that war cannot be eradicated as the processes of globalization, terrorism and human’s desire of power promote the occurrence of military conflicts, and as these processes are deep-rooted, war will never be eradicated.


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