Development and Changes to Beauty Standards
✅ Paper Type: Free Essay | ✅ Subject: Cultural Studies |
✅ Wordcount: 3872 words | ✅ Published: 8th Feb 2020 |
Our world has developed and constantly alters standards for what is considered “beautiful.” As humans, understand that it is crucial to dismiss those beauty standards and to be whoever you want to be – but that is a daunting task. Being judged by your peers is easily one of the most chilling feelings and can give people, specifically women, feelings of being self-conscious and unappreciated. . We should try not to judge our peers as it can become one of the most chilling feelings and can give people, specifically women, feelings of being self-conscious and unappreciated.
In spite of the fact that beauty standards have existed for years, teenagers have currently approach abilities to be knowledgeable of these standards more than ever, for example, the standards deemed acceptable by society. Rather than going out to purchase magazines or seeing announcements in the news to the communities, whether there’s a billboard, now teenagers just have to open Instagram and see a photo of a famous supermodel and or a celebrity to encourage desires into their receptive personalities. These social standards are doubtful and to a great degree selective, as well as they are about unthinkable as they speak to a flawlessness that doesn’t exist. Naive individuals, for example, teenagers who take time looking at these images, will at that point see the pictures and naturally accept they are not as equal or to the same standards of being beautiful.
Individuals in our generation have a predetermined opinion on what beauty is what they feel it should look like. Countries like the United States hold the opinion that beautiful people are above average height and fit. This has become the “standard” for beauty. Though most don’t feel this is the beauty standard, we see these as characteristics age cause of societal views. Despite the fact that these beauty norms are to a great extent unattainable, at any rate, this does not discourage numerous woman from endeavoring to get as near to these measures as they can. This attempt to be something that they are not is unhealthy, but unfortunately, it is the norm. As discussed in a Consumer Behavior textbook, our fulfillment with the physical picture we show to others depends profoundly upon how intently we presume the picture relates to what we value (Solomon, 2018).
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Our culture greatly values the beauty standard being thin. More and more girls are constantly becoming brainwashed by the new thinspiration craze. Thinspiration references something or someone that serves as motivation for a person seeking to maintain a very low body weight (Oxford, 2018). Based on the media’s beauty standards, girls now think twice about their outer appearance. Instead of these morphed beauty standards, we should be promoting healthy beauty.
There is also the issue of discovering and defining what healthy beauty is. The problem others have with people trying to define beauty is firstly, stating that there is an objective standard by which we are the judge to what is saying and isn’t beauty and as soon as we define it, we limit it. When trying to consider what healthy beauty it is also necessary to look at what is not considered healthy beauty. An example of what is considered unhealthy beauty is plastic surgery and how we cannot anticipate how damaging the process can be to our bodies. When describing healthy beauty, most should be more lenient to practicing and appreciating our bodies as individuals and stop trying to meet the ‘perfect’ quota of our modern day beauty standards.
Michael R. Solomon feels that beauty is graded on a curve and he explains that a large extent, the answer to the question is, “How do I look right now?’ which is certainly matched with a qualifier: “Contrasted with whom?” The reaction to the question “to whom” part is vital. That is the place advertisers assume a great importance. They supply the measuring stick women use to answer this inquiry. As media besieges us with pictures of “alluring” women on fronts of magazines, and other social platforms.
(Solomon, 2018). These days women who meet the societal views and standards have crafted their bodies to an extend that makes others feel that they cannot make the same adaptations. They want to make the beauty standards to gain the power of beauty.
The statement that women have the power and importance has expanded to be a cultural standard. The weight women feel now makes them cling to unfeasible societal expectations and has additionally become more sensible due to market business impacts on social networks and media. This weight prompts damaging practices by women and a distraction due to appearance, and it affects womens’ capability to be successful.
In our time we see that we don’t know what shapes our perception of beauty, but when we do research and try to find the answer, we will generally think of models, actors, and unrealistic measures of perfection. Research by Dove demonstrates that like never before, women are seeking individuals, such as themselves for motivation to be more applying to the eye or all the more particularly, the women shown across media platforms (Kats, 2017).
Today, we can’t escape photographs of present standards of “appealing women”, whether it be in the news, social media, shows, or films. These women that speak on the present standard of what beauty is appear to be extremely unique from former women. For the women who speak on the present standard don’t follow the societal expectations. The women shown on the annual televised Victoria’s Secret runway demonstrate every year present the outrageous norms that social media accepts as “glamorous” and “charming.”
The portrayal of individuals is of some the problem but evermore is the portrayal of beauty especially of young men and women. This portrayal shows an unrealistic standard of beauty and grace which is nonexistent in the real world. This problem also seeps into the portrayal of relationships in these shows, where casual flings are given the same importance as a long relationship based on trust and love.
The selfie that our generation takes on their cellphones by themselves today is an approach to test unreasonable social standards are being attractive. For instance, young women everywhere throughout the world are disregarding shaving their body hair, which dismisses the norms of society and not maintaining the elegance standard of women. At the point when a superstar or instafamous woman posts an image of her unshaven pits or her cosmetics free face, this becomes a major ordeal. Inhabiting the Internet with pictures of young women as they genuinely are (not how a male-ruled society anticipates that they will be) is a politically rebellious type of obstruction.
There is proof that interpretation of being attractive has been decided through the aging of humanity. This means that parts of individuals and scenery that have been considered magnificent are commonly found in circumstances prone to give improvement to survival of the human’s with those qualities (Dutton, 2010). In late Bronze Age archaeologists found figurines that were speculated to depict women’s beauty. They were shown as emblems of security, success, fertility icons, or direct representations of a mother goddess of beauty Venus (Holloway, 2014). This has shown that beauty has changed along the years.
There is a mental aspect to beauty that has been found by scientist that beauty isn’t completely physical but mental as well. Beauty is additionally considered by neuroscientists in the field of exploratory styles and neuroaesthetics separately. Intellectual speculations consider that being appealing to one can a type of joy and satisfaction, (Reber, Schwarz, Winkielman, 2004) (Armstrong, Detweiler- Bedell, 2008). Correlational discoveries reinforce that the view of delightful objects are additionally all the more satisfying and pleases the viewer if the object stimulates the individual. (Vartanian, Navarrete, Chatterjee, Fich, Leder, Modroño, Skov, 2013)(Marin, Lampatz, Wandl1 & Leder, 2016), (Beauty Requires Thought, 2017). A few examinations propose that there is a sophisticated association with attractiveness and it is related with actions that occur in the average orbitofrontal cortex. “The orbitofrontal cortex is a prefrontal cortex region in the frontal flaps in the cerebrum which is associated with the intellectual preparing of basic decision-making abilities” (Kawabata, H., & Zeki, S., 2004)(Ishizu, T., & Zeki, S., 2011).
This methodology of restricting the handling of delightfulness in one mind region has gotten feedback inside the field of neurology (Conway & Rehding, 2013). Many, similar to writer Marisa Meltzer, have contended this latest standard of beauty to be depicted as anorexic slenderness, an harmful thought that isn’t illustrative of a healthy individuals physique. She also exclaims her thoughts on this subject ; “At no other time has the ‘ideal’ body been at such odds with our actual size.(Wolf, (2015)(Lunsford, Ruszkiewicz, & Walters, 2016).”
There is a need to satisfy the public’s beauty principles that regularly affects us, but it ends up becoming harder to discern what we do to satisfy these qualities from that which is genuine and will really make us feel divine. Figuring out how to acknowledge and appreciate your body can be a long odyssey, but not without its very own tribulations. It’s the difficult idea to understand in the society where woman measures are impossibly thin and therefore some body cases are adequately presented, but instead of caring about whether your body is “good enough,” you can try to focus on all the amazing things it does for you every single day. We need to start to show individuals to not concentrate on the body’s show, but focus on its functionality. It may be hard to do this given that we sleep in the appearance-obsessed society that the only changing on this emphasis will change the body image, instead of worrying about measuring up to unrealistic usually unhealthy cultural standards of beauty that so few of us meet.
There is hope that human beings as a whole won’t adapt another quality of beauty, but we cannot anticipate that individuals, characteristics are the ones that will be appreciated instead of the qualities of beauty that society upholds. Alternatively, we as individuals should trust that our development will lead us to another way of thinking about how we perceive beauty, which means, that attractiveness and values won’t be controlled by random and shallow expressions or implicit rules, but by a profound valuing about the feeling of being at the time with themselves and other individuals.
Instead of going out to buy magazines or seeing huge billboards in major cities, now, teenagers just have to open Instagram and see a photo of a famous supermodel and or celebrity posted to push beauty expectations into their impressionable minds. Impressionable people, such as these young teenagers who spend so much time looking at these images, will at that point see the pictures and naturally accept they are not as equal or to the same standards of being beautiful.
Though most don’t feel this is the beauty standard, we still relate those characteristics as a result of social shame. Despite the fact that these beauty norms are to a great extent unattainable, at any rate, this does not discourage numerous woman from endeavoring to get as near to these measures as they can.
This attempt to be something that they are not is unhealthy, but unfortunately, it is the norm. As discussed in a Consumer Behavior textbook, our fulfillment with the physical picture we show to others depends profoundly upon how intently we presume the picture relates to what we value.
Our culture values greatly the beauty standard that is being thin. More and more girls are constantly becoming brainwashed by the new thinspiration craze.
Thinspiration references something or someone that serves as motivation for a person seeking to maintain a very low body weight. Now based on our mainstream media beauty standards this has caused girls to think twice about their outer appearance. Instead of these morphed beauty standards, we should be promoting healthy beauty. Then there is the issue of discovering and defining what healthy beauty is.
The problem others have with people trying to define beauty supply the measuring stick women use to answer this inquiry. As media besieges us with pictures of “alluring” women on fronts of magazines, and other social platforms. The fundamental start of the statement that popular women have the power and importance has expanded to be a cultural standard. The weight women feel now makes them cling to unfeasible societal expectations of our generation and has additionally become more sensible due to business impacts on social networks.
This weight provokes damaging practices by women and a distraction with appearance in both genders, and it affects the capability of women to be successful in our society. In our time we see that we don’t know what shapes our perception of beauty, but when we do research and try to find the answer, we will generally think of models, actors, and unrealistic measures of perfection. Research by Dove demonstrates that like never before, women are seeking individuals, such as themselves for motivation to be more applying to the eye or all the more particularly, the women shown across media platforms. This methodology of restricting the handling of delightfulness in one mind region has recieved feedback inside the field of neurology, which suggest that it ends up becoming harder to unravel what we do to satisfy these qualities from that which is genuine and will really make us feel divine. Learning to accept and love your body can be a lifelong journey, not without its own hiccups. Indeed there is hope that human beings as a whole won’t advance to another standard of beauty therefore we cannot see that individuals, characteristics are the ones that will be appreciated instead of the qualities of beauty society upholds. Alternatively, we as individuals should trust that our development will convey us to another way of or no way of thinking on how we perceive beauty. We should try not to judge our peers as it can become one of the most chilling feelings and can give people, specifically women, feelings of being self-conscious and unappreciated.
- Holloway A. (2014, April 11). The Venus Figurines of the European Paleolithic Era. Retrieved from
- Armstrong, T., & Detweiler- Bedell, B. (2008). Beauty as an Emotion: The Exhilarating Prospect of Mastering a Challenging World. Retrieved November 6, 2018, from
- Beauty Requires Thought. (2017, May 11). Retrieved November 6, 2018, from
- Conway, B. R., & Rehding, A. (2013, March 19). Neuroaesthetics and the Trouble with Beauty. Retrieved November 6, 2018, from
- Dutton, D. (2010). A Darwinian theory of beauty. Retrieved November 6, 2018, from
- Ishizu, T., & Zeki, S. (2011, July 6). Toward A Brain-Based Theory of Beauty. Retrieved November 6, 2018, from
- Katz, B. (2017, February 07). New study shows impact of social media on beauty standards. Retrieved December 4, 2018, from
- Kawabata, H., & Zeki, S. (2004). Neural Correlates of Beauty. Journal of Neurophysiology,91(4), 1699-1705. doi:10.1152/jn.00696.2003
- Lunsford, A. A., Ruszkiewicz, J. J., & Walters, K. (2016). Everythings an argument: With readings. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, A Macmillan Education Imprint.
- Manuela M. Marin, Allegra Lampatz, Michaela Wandl1 & Helmut Leder(2016, October 10). Berlyne Revisited: Evidence for the Multifaceted Nature of Hedonic Tone in the Appreciation of Paintings and Music. Retrieved November 6, 2018, from
- Martin, G. (n.d). ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ – the meaning and origin of this phrase. Retrieved November 6, 2018, from
- Reber, R., Schwarz, N., & Winkielman, P. (2004). Processing Fluency and Aesthetic Pleasure: Is Beauty in the Perceivers Processing Experience? Personality and Social Psychology Review,8(4), 364-382. doi:10.1207/s15327957pspr0804_3
- Reber, R. (2011). Processing Fluency, Aesthetic Pleasure, and Culturally Shared Taste. Aesthetic ScienceConnecting Minds, Brains, and Experience,223-242. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199732142.003.0055
- Solomon, M. R. (2018, June 07). As Beauty Standards Change, How Do Retailers Adjust? Retrieved from
- Vartanian, O., Navarrete, G., Chatterjee, A., Fich, L. B., Leder, H., Modroño, C., . . . Skov, M. (2013, June 18). Impact of contour on aesthetic judgments and approach-avoidance decisions in architecture. Retrieved November 6, 2018, from
- Wolf, N. (2015). The beauty myth: How images of beauty are used against women. London: Vintage Classic.
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[1] Solomon, M. R. (2018, June 07). As Beauty Standards Change, How Do Retailers Adjust? Retrieved from
[2] Martin, G. (n.d). ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ – the meaning and origin of this phrase. Retrieved November 6, 2018, from
[3]Dutton, D. (2010). A Darwinian theory of beauty. Retrieved November 6, 2018, from
[4]Reber, R., Schwarz, N., & Winkielman, P. (2004). Processing Fluency and Aesthetic Pleasure: Is Beauty in the Perceivers Processing Experience? Personality and Social Psychology Review, 8(4), 364-382. doi:10.1207/s15327957pspr0804_3
[5]Armstrong, T., & Detweiler- Bedell, B. (2008). Beauty as an Emotion: The Exhilarating Prospect of Mastering a Challenging World. Retrieved November 6, 2018, from
[6]Vartanian, O., Navarrete, G., Chatterjee, A., Fich, L. B., Leder, H., Modroño, C., . . . Skov, M. (2013, June 18). Impact of contour on aesthetic judgments and approach-avoidance decisions in architecture. Retrieved November 6, 2018, from
[7]M., M., A., M., L., & H. (2016, October 10). Berlyne Revisited: Evidence for the Multifaceted Nature of Hedonic Tone in the Appreciation of Paintings and Music. Retrieved November 6, 2018, from
[8]Beauty Requires Thought. (2017, May 11). Retrieved November 6, 2018, from
[9]Kawabata, H., & Zeki, S. (2004). Neural Correlates of Beauty. Journal of Neurophysiology, 91(4), 1699-1705. doi:10.1152/jn.00696.2003
[10]Ishizu, T., & Zeki, S. (2011, July 6). Toward A Brain-Based Theory of Beauty. Retrieved November 6, 2018, from
[11] Conway, B. R., & Rehding, A. (2013, March 19). Neuroaesthetics and the Trouble with Beauty. Retrieved November 6, 2018, from
[12]Wolf, N. (2015). The beauty myth: How images of beauty are used against women. London: Vintage Classic.
[13]Lunsford, A. A., Ruszkiewicz, J. J., & Walters, K. (2016). Everythings an argument: with readings. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, A Macmillan Education Imprint.
[14]Thinspirartion | definition of thinspiration in english by oxford Dictionaries. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2018, from
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