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Organizational behavioral practice in nigerian breweries plc

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Business
Wordcount: 2080 words Published: 1st Jan 2015

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According to newagepublishers Organizational behaviour is ‘the study of human behaviour in the workplace, the interaction between people and the organization with the intent to understand and predict human behaviour.

It is also an environment that investigates the impact that individuals, groups and the whole team have on behaviour within organizations, so that the knowledge attained might be used to improve on the business goal and objectives.

Organisation behaviour also can be categorised as the study of human behaviour, attitudes and performance within an organizational environment.’

(Reference: The editor newagepublishers: http://www.newagepublishers.com/samplechapter/001673.pdf assessed on the 22/12/10)


The objective of this project is to carry out a research on the organisational behaviour practice existing in an organisation identifying important issues as they relate to:

Leadership and Management style

Work psychology and Motivation

Job design and Job satisfaction

1.2 The company in focus is Nigerian Breweries Plc.

Nigerian Breweries Plc., the pioneer and largest brewing company in Nigeria, was incorporated in 1946 and recorded a landmark when the first bottle of STAR Lager beer rolled off the bottling lines in its Lagos Brewery in June 1949. This was followed by Aba Brewery which was commissioned in 1957, Kaduna Brewery in 1963 and Ibadan Brewery in 1982. In September 1993, the company acquired its fifth brewery in Enugu while in October 2003, a sixth brewery, sited at Ama in Enugu state was commissioned.

(Reference: Official site of Nigerian breweries: http://www.nbplc.com/our_company.html, assessed on the 22/12/10.)


Nigerian Breweries adopts a form of leadership style that would allow for motivation of its staffers. The company adopts a mixed system of leadership where the subordinates are also allowed to offer advices which are critical to the success of the organisation. According to the author of Leadership style verses motivation found on http://www.motivation-tools.com/workplace/leadership_styles.htm (assessed on 24/12/10) it is ‘Leadership style influence level of motivation. However, throughout a lifetime, man’s motivation is influenced by changing ambitions and/or leadership style he works under or socializes with. Command-and-control leadership drains off ambition while worker responsibility increases ambition.’

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Nigerian breweries Plc. is an organisation that has high standard and set of leadership policies which it adopts to ensure smooth and work free environment within and outside the company, handling group and team work. The company engage mostly in team work because of the nature of its business as it requires a high marketing drive to improve on its sales as the giant of the brewery industry in Nigeria.

The company has adopted the following leadership style:

Mixed system approach

In this form of leadership and management style all employees and management make impact on the production of the goods by NB PLC. Contributions are welcome through the implementation of feedbacks on the questionnaires given to the employees by the HR development based at the headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria. This system allowed for decisions at the tactical, operational and strategic levels to be put to check to see that which would sustain the company and aid it to achieve the desired result.

Open door system

This is a system fondly used by NB PLC as it is the best for a company producing such goods like it. Its market is for everyone in the sensitive market environment and so allows for an open door system which could accommodate every forms of queries, appraisals and rooms for positive criticism and otherwise.


Work psychology has been defined as ‘…the relationship between two parties, employee and employer, of what their mutual obligations are towards each other and how they both can work without hitches I the organisation. Some obligations may be seen as ‘promises’ and others as ‘expectations’. The important thing is that they are believed by the employee to be part of the relationship with the employer which satisfies the agreement made.

The issues relating to work psychology and motivation in NB PLC includes:

The agreement made during the work agreement which are being adhered to leads to motivation of work employees. This occurs frequently in NB PLC especially with the operatives as they are the bedrock of the production cycle. I had worked there for about 2 years and so understand the impact of motivation on the staffers. Those elements that breed motivation include:

Increment in overtime pay.

Quarterly review of production bonuses especially during overhauling.

Work satisfaction provisions for staffers each month.

Bonuses for employees of the month.

Promotion for efficient staffers.

Training and development was never toiled with.


NB PLC operates both formal and informal management of its team of employees and groups in the organisation. Majorly the formal system is found in the company but it allows for the informal so as to enable the staffers have a ground/environment for easy interpersonal relationships. The reason for managing groups and teams in the company includes:

For security

For easy flow of information in the company.

NB PLC has various groups and teams which can be classified as the matured group due to the strength of the company itself. However, it has passed through various stages which include:

Forming stage

Storming stage

Norming stage

Performing stage

Adjourning stage

This company operate a tall hierarchy system of organisation which accommodates different sections because of the various products of the company.


During the class presentation on which my group focused on a company based in South London called International Tourist’s Cottage established in 1996. The company concentrates on boarding and lodging. It started expansion during the early part of the twenty first century and this led to increase in sales and profitability. To this, there arouse some challenges on which different topics were deliberated upon in which my area of concentration was on the ORGANISATION AND MANGEMENT OF GROUPD AND TEAMS. However, during this presentation I made analysis on the following:

Establishing performance goals

Evaluating performance, and

Rewarding performance.

For this part of the assignment, I am focussing on the establishment of performance goals.


As afore-mentioned there arouse some problems with the expansionary vision as desired by company. The problems being faced by the management include:

High sickness level of staffers

Poor skills of employees

High staff turnover

Management participation

Increasing levels of misconduct

To analyse the problems faced by ITC, the management theory that would be used to simply the issue is HRM theory on establishing performance goals.


In order to find solution to the human resources problems encountered by International Tourist Cottage, the management can also adopt the following performance intervention pattern:

Sets challenging and attainable expectations for employees based on program goals

The management of ITC have set of objectives with which the company based its vision and mission, therefore, it is expected that the management with its new bid for expansion should set challenging and attainable expectations for employees based on the goals attached to the expansion required. Keeping the employees abreast of the goals of the company and setting a good monitoring measure to ensure that the goals and objectives are well followed and achieved.

Involve employees in setting program goals

This is a system of approach that the NB PLC which was used in the A part of this assignment used as this goes a long way to help improve the performance of the human force of the company and the swift achievement of the company’s objectives. This will also help in using Porters’ five forces which include:

Bargaining power of suppliers

Bargaining power of buyers

Threat of new entrants

Rivalry power of competitors


Involvement of employees in the set program goals of the company would help the management navigate through the systemic approach of making the company achieve it set objectives with overall concern for profitability, increase shareholders wealth and satisfying the quest of the employees.

Finds ways to measure achievement of program goals

To measure performance goals, the company need to adopt the ‘5 golden rules of measuring performance’ as posted by the editor of goals and achievement on performance management.

(http://goalsandachievements.com/tag/measuring-performance Wednesday, November 18th, 2009, assessed on the 27/12/2010).

The golden rules are as follows:

 Rule 1: Be clear on what you want to achieve

The management of ITC should be clear of what they aim to achieve more importantly with expansion quest of the company. This would help reduce the problems facing the company.


Rule 2: Separate the things to do from the things that are critical

Training of the employees is very paramount especially in a time of expansion, therefore, the management should put employees in training sections as this is critical to the success of the organisation and very evident to the success of the company.


Rule 3: Watch out for those who focus on the data

Focus on data has to do with concentration on the available data which can help improve the state of things in the company and also improve the desired result.


Rule 4: Eliminate the “I thought” discussions

What do I mean by the “I thought discussion”? Basically it’s when 6 people have 4 different views on what a particular measure is telling them or how it is calculated. To overcome this, make the basis of calculation and scope of any measurement crystal clear so that employees can understand the required job specification.


Rule 5: Focus on action

This is the basic recommendation for any process which is aimed to achieving success in an organisation. ITC should focus on set recommendations achieve from training, coaching, opinion pool as achieved by the company to forge ahead.

Review progress toward goals with employees as needed.

The progress achieved so far in the company concerning the performance of each employee should be reviewed so as to guard against communication gap as this can also help to reduce the problems faced by the HRM personnel of the company.

Gain employees’ commitment to program goals

This is the main step to achieving success in the company. The management with a good HRM department should work to gain the commitment of the employees as this is the bedrock for a better relationship in the company.

The proposed solution would lead to the following:

High staff turnover – Prepare a good welfare package to attract staffers.

High sickness leaves – Good welfare package would attract the staffers.

Poor skills of individuals – Training required.

Low success in recruitment – Procedures put in place should be followed.


To achieve a better performance which would ease off the problems encountered by ITC, the management should put in place all the afore-mentioned strategies which would enhance the accomplishment of the desired goals of the organisation. This would help reduce drastically the problems faced by ITC and at the long run help improve the company as a whole.


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