Tax, Audit and Corporate Governance Lecture Notes
15th Oct 2021
Introduction: Corporation tax is the amount of tax a business organisation pays to the government on its profits. However, the accounting profits are often...
Essays on: Tax
Tax is the name given to a payment or other financial charge that taxpayers must pay. Governments impose taxes to generate money to put towards government spending, and anybody found to be evading tax will face legal punishment.

Analysis of Different Taxation Systems
5th Oct 2021
Introduction: In this assignment we are going to discuss different taxation systems, taxation liabilities, ethical issues, and tax calculations of different types of organization....
Advantages and Disadvantages of Income Tax
28th Jul 2021
Introduction: An income tax is a rate charged on the income of individuals as well as business (companies or other legal entities). Individual income taxes often tax the total earning of the individual, while corpo...
Tax Revenue In Malaysia
7th Jun 2017
Introduction: INTRODUCTION
Malaysia is a federation of 13 States and the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur and Labuan. The Federal Constitution contains special provisions regarding sources of revenue that are as...
Taxation System In Pakistan
1st May 2017
Introduction: Taxation in Pakistan is a very complex system including more than 70 different taxes and nearly 37 different government agencies administer the tax system. Around 10 million people are registered to p...
Goods And Services Tax In India Economics Essay
1st Jan 2015
Introduction: GST or the Goods and Services Tax is an indirect tax that brings together most of the taxes that are imposed on all goods and services (except a few) under a single banner. This is in contrast to the ...
Explaining The Primary Purpose Of Taxation Economics Essay
1st Jan 2015
Introduction: Tax is an enforced fee that is charged on individuals and organizations by government or its agency on a product, income, or service. Despite many people complaining of making tax contributions...
The Role Of Taxation In An Economy Economics Essay
1st Jan 2015
Introduction: The first part of this report provides a brief overview of the role of tax within a country’s macro economic environment. Taxation can be collected from a number of sources diagrammatically show...
Difference Between Formal And Effective Incidence Of Tax Economics Essay
1st Jan 2015
Introduction: The ‘incidence’ of a tax refers to who bears the burden of the tax. We can distinguish between two types of tax incidence: formal incidence, meaning who is legally obliged to pay the tax,...
Criteria For Evaluating A Tax System
1st Jan 2015
Introduction: From government prospective, taxes are both a policy tool for economic management and a prime source of revenue. Taxes can be effective in discouraging certain activities that have negative consequenc...
The Four Main Desirable Characteristics Of Taxation Systems
1st Jan 2015
Introduction: Will start off with explanations of the different desirable characteristics. Then will go on to say how the UK income tax system fulfils these characteristics. Examples and sources would be used to ba...