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Causes Of Violence In Our Society Sociology Essay

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Sociology
Wordcount: 1250 words Published: 1st Jan 2015

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I think that it would interest and useful to my audience because it is something that is becoming more common amongst society. Our society becomes more violent and dangerous day by day due to media. It’s a scary world for our children every third or fourth teenagers knows someone who has been shot. Media is one of the most dangerous sources of violence in our society. I am sure my audience definitely wants to know the causes of violence in our society. 

(3) What would you do to make this topic interesting/useful to your audience?

I work in a grocery store so every day I have different kind of customers in the store most of them are my regular customers. So I am thinking I can distribute a written questionnaire to all my regular customers. And I am pretty sure my audience really wants to know the opinion of normal people.

(4) In one sentence write what your project is about:

I would like people to be educated about violence in our society.

(5) In one sentence write what your research question:

Why drugs are playing a big part in the violence that occurs in our society?

Data Proposal 

Describe the data you propose to gather: in what form and from whom.

I work in a grocery store so every day I have different kind of customers in the store most of them are my regular customers so I have opportunity to observe the causes of violence in our society? So I am thinking I can distribute a written questionnaire to all my regular customers. I can interview some customers who have some knowledge or information about the causes of violence in our society?

 (2) Why do you think this data will help answer your research question?

 My topic is causes of violence in our society so in my point of view people from all walks of life can give me better causes why we have violence in our society. So it’s better to make questionnaire and get answer from a different people from all different walks of life. When I get all the data from different people then it’s easy for me to tell my audience why we have violence in our society? And how can we make nonviolence society?

Violence in our Society

I made a questionnaire about my topic and give it to the different customer on my store and I explain their answers below  

1. Why it’s a Scary world today? 

· 40% people think world is scary because of drugs

· 30% people think because there is too much hate in relationships.

·  20% people think world is scary because of Media.

· 10 % people think world is scary because of Economy and politics.  

2. Does Media violence really influence Human Behavior?

· 80 % people believe that media violence really influence Human behavior.

· 20 % people don’t believe it.

3. What is the main cause of violence in our society?

· 50% people think main cause of violence is family relationships

· 20% people think main cause of violence is Religion.

· 10% people think main cause of violence is Media.

· 10 % people think main cause of violence is Economy.

· 10 % people think main cause of violence is drugs.

4. Do you think violence is more common in teenagers? 

· 90 % people think violence is more common in teenagers.

· 10 % said people of all ages are capable of doing what teenager does.  

5. Do you think that strong people are the once that generally commit a violent action against the weaker ones?

· 50% said No.

· 30% said Yes.

· 20% said its depends on the situation.

Causes of violence in our society

The world most disturbing topic now days are violence. People are not responsible any more they don’t even know what their personal responsibilities are. Respect your older, manners and responsibility are an obsession of the past. Media and drugs play a very important role in the violence of the society.

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Our society becomes more violent and dangerous day by day due to media. It’s a scary world for our children every third or fourth teenagers knows someone who has been shot. Media is one of the most dangerous sources of violence in our society. The news-media promoted intense fear before and during the Iraq War by almost universally, unquestioningly reporting the government position as fact. On the local level, news programs constantly report violent episodes in poor neighborhoods with increasing frequency while consciously or otherwise consumers see their society as violent and scary. Mostly white people spend so much of their income on security systems while they aren’t supporting the local corporate puppet promising to crack down on crime.

Media is one of the main sources of violence in our society. The movies of new era video games and TV programs everything have different kind of violence. Many video games are full of violence and children around seven years or older love to play those kinds of games. When I was Twelve years old I was very interested in video games, my favorite games was street fighter and I always dreaming to be strong like my game player and I can beat the people who give me hard time in the school, Just Imagine if every child have the same experiences that I had, and what a big impact that could do to a little children. Many teenagers try to bring out their dreams to be exactly like their favorite hero done in the game or movie. By selling and showing these games and movies, I would emphasize that we are propagation a production of violent children, which make our society more violent in the future. We have to teach our children that violence is bad for our society. We try to teach our children self respect brotherhood and patience. We also teach our children don’t hurt anybody and always help others.

In Unites states every two or three minutes someone is sexually assaulted. According to world health organization in every 33 men and every 6 woman one will experience sexual assault in their life. The US Department of justice states around one quarter people of a million people assaults every year.

Sexual, physical and psychological violence causes as much illness and death among women aged 15 to 44 as cancer, while child sexual abuse is more common than teen pregnancy, pediatric cancer or childhood obesity, according to the Minnesota Coalition against Sexual Assault. Given all the press lately about the issue of childhood obesity, we should remember there are many hidden issues facing our children today sexual violence is one of them. The American Medical Association has called it “the silent violent epidemic.”

Sexual violence is called The Silent Violent epidemic by the American medical Association.

The development of violence was started from past, but it has increased step by step. Media is the main sources of violence in our society. The video-games, shows and movies everything have different kind of violence. Another problem is the information that children are observers to violence in real life as well. People are murdered for trifles and to me; society is on the edge of surrendering to violence.  How to stop the increase of violence is beyond me, but I hope for everybody’s sake that another political leader does not have to die , before we realize that something needs to be done to improve our society once and for all.


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