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Worldview God Ultimate Reality Knowledge Religion Essay

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Religion
Wordcount: 762 words Published: 1st Jan 2015

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Believers coming from their respective faiths are so diverse whether some share the same religion or if they are in completely different religions. For this reason, there is a great importance for believers to understand that everyone has a worldview. A worldview is considered to be “a set of assumptions about reality, generally unconsciously held, that can affect how we think and how we live” (Cosgrove, 2006, p. 24-25). The set of assumptions are important beliefs that depend highly on the person who perceives a worldview. With this in mind, theology, ultimate reality, and knowledge are important beliefs that are most critical to the formation of my worldview.

As a Catholic, theology takes a similar importance and influence of my beliefs with Christianity. In fact, the Christian doctrine of the Trinity is what as a Catholic I strongly rely on. As the father, He is the creator of everything. The second branch of the Trinity characterizes Him as the son. God lived as Jesus. His mother was destined to be Mary. Jesus was then created through the Holy Spirit, which is the final part of the Trinity. When Jesus faced Resurrection, he remained on earth for a few days and later went up to heaven (BBC, 2009). He promised all of his followers that his Spirit would guide them forever. The presence of Jesus provides me enough physical evidence to assume that he was God at the same time.

Furthermore, God’s character can be best viewed according to His personality traits. First of all, He is knowable (“Who is God”, n.d.). God opens His heart and doors to us. We can know Him in a confidential way. He is approachable (“Who is God”, n.d.). God invites us to communicate with Him. He is the best listener whenever we feel anything that is troubling us. God is creative (“Who is God”, n.d.). We are able to use the previous materials that He has left for us to resolve our own problems. God is forgiving (“Who is God”, n.d.). He punishes those who sin; however, He is willing to forgive us if we go back and form a relationship with Him. God is honest (“Who is God”, n.d.). Anything God says will be efficient and said with honesty. The difference between humanity and God is that He is always honest. We can take His word to all the promises He makes to us. Also, God is capable (“Who is God”, n.d.). He is capable to understand us under any condition.

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Ultimate reality is another belief that strongly ties with God and my worldview. God is the ultimate creator of reality.  Humanity understands and recognizes the existence of reality.  The existence of the past is a guide for humanity’s present life.  There exists a beginning and an end to humanity when interpreting time.  The bad or sinful actions committed by humanity are considered evil.  Humanity does not possess evil but may decide depending on the actions performed.  There exists good in reality. The supernatural realm equals God’s nature, which is his love (“The Supernatural,” 2009). According to God’s realm, He is interacting and preparing us until the day arrives where we will confront and recognize Him without any barriers.

Theology and ultimate reality are two types of beliefs that I strongly depend on, but epistemology is the final belief identifying what I know about God. Through revelation, we are able to recognize God. There are two types of knowledge. They are empirical and absolute knowledge (Valea, 2009). God created everything without evil. Particularly, humanity was created in God’s personal image (Genesis 1:27-28). He created our senses under empirical knowledge to use actual facts from nature. The mind was created to make judgments (Valea, 2009). He gave us the senses to trust in them and the mind to understand the world revolving around us. God made a realistic approach of connecting nature with humans. Absolute knowledge, which is defined as knowing God, is not intended to counteract empirical knowledge, but the intention is to complete it (Valea, 2009). This means a connection with God goes beyond the mind. Without becoming disrupted, the mind functions according with Faith.

After all, to be able to have a worldview one must have beliefs according to the person’s faith. We are all unique with our own perspective about what major beliefs formulate each of our own worldview. In my case, God, human nature, and epistemology are the three major beliefs that compose my worldview.


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