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What Is Plagiarism And The Ethics Of It Philosophy Essay

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Philosophy
Wordcount: 1104 words Published: 1st Jan 2015

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Plagiarism comes from the Latin word “plagio”. It is translated as “to steal”. It is better to formulate a definition of plagiarism from the verb “plagiarize”. To plagiarize means to steal or to borrow someone’s ideas, works or thoughts. In such a way, “plagiarism” is copying the work of others and turning it as your own.

On the one hand, plagiarism is a deliberate action. It is cheating. People assume the intellectual property rights for their realization in our world. It is the easiest way for realization. Therefore plagiarism is an obstacle for society. It doesn’t let society develop in science and technology. It is a process of destruction a man as a person. Plagiarism kills intention to be the first and wish of something new. In our childhood we often hear such words: “Don’t take it! These things are other’s! And you mustn’t take them!” Plagiarism is the same thing. We know that it is wrong, but we do it.

In my opinion, plagiarism is usual for young people, who went to achieve fame or to be generally recognized very quickly and without any effort. This kind of people is very lazy and doesn’t want to work hard. But their aim is to be famous and they achieve these goals.

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We can meet plagiarism in many spheres, for example, in literature, music, science, art etc. All people know the composition “Lambada”. The author of this composition was an unknown composer. “Lambada” has remained unnoticed for a long time. But then two young boys used this idea. They made new arrangement, changed this composition a little and gava a new life for this melody. “Lambada” has become very popular in many countries. When this composition began to bring in return, a real author proved his case in court. And then he got ten million dollars. He was satisfied with money, because he didn’t want to achieve a success and fame. Provided to be, if somebody use more than seven notes from another composition, it will be real plagiarism. It is a good example of copying the work of others. In art we meet plagiarism very often too. Artists draw their pictures and then these works are copied by somebody else. There is a good example of this process in Kiev. The most popular are Gustav Klimt’s works. He has made his works in one copy with oil painting. But now people, who replicate them, use china, wood, posters etc. And the most interesting thing is authorship of these copies. These people don’t forget to write the name – Gustav Klimt. In my opinion, it is absurd. Pictures must be in one copy and be kept in museums. But there is one big problem. If pictures aren’t duplicated, many people can’t see them, because they don’t have a chance to travel. We can meet plagiarism in journalism too. Many journalists sit at home and only copy articles of other authors. And then they diffuse it with the help of Internet. Who knows what results will develop from this work? But I think that this work is useless. Authors can cope with it themselves, if .they want. But people like to make a profit out of somebody’s work. And it is a pity.

Another important thing, which I want to discuss, is our education. Plagiarism is found here very often. It becomes a part of our education. And this problem is eternal and nobody can solve it. Students copy essays, term papers, degree woks. And they don’t want to develop. They only seek easy ways. And it begins from the school, when we copy tests; ask our parents or friends to help us with our compositions or to paint a picture. We explain our actions in such a way, we can’t do it ourselves. But it is deception and our cunning. Of course, we can, but we don’t want to try. We don’t want to think. Pupils get into the habit of plagiarism. Their parents must explain them what is good and what is bad. Parents are their tutors during our life. And their purpose is to teach them how children must behave, because then it can be worse. And when children grown up and become students, they think, that whole world center around them and all must be at their feet. I know that I behave sometimes in such a way. But I try to wrestle with” myself and advise it everybody. In my opinion, this habit is awful. And people can’t be stead on their legs, if they don’t want to improve. We should improve and improve every day. But plagiarism prevents it. We shouldn’t rely on somebody; we must achieve a success themselves. But it is very difficult for some people. They are used to plagiarize and can’t live without this process. How can we discuss our education, if we copy somebody’s work? We don’t want to develop our thinking. We don’t aspire to be well-educated, independent, purposeful, and self-confident and we don’t want to be a person. We must know that our education only depends on ourselves. Laziness and unwillingness are motives of plagiarism.

But how we can tell the difference between plagiarism and borrowing? When is borrowing over and plagiarism begins? At first sight these two notions are the same. But this opinion is deceptive. We meet borrowings in literature. New literary work is based on other ideas in literature, which are well-known for us.

Problems, actions, themes and sometimes dialogues and inner monologues are very similar in each novel or story. Authors write about issue of the day. There are many problems, which will be vital at any time, in our life. But authors develop a subject in different ways. And of course they have different plots, characters and their own views on this problem. But we should be very careful with borrowings and know a distinction between borrowing and plagiarism.

On the other hand, plagiarism possesses positive qualities. With plagiarism many things are passed on from generation to generation. For example, all inventions had appeared many years ago. But then somebody uses this idea and improves it. In such a way we get a new invention.

In my conclusion I want to say, that plagiarism has more negative qualities, than positive. And it is a criminal action. We must remember that it is sued at law. But these things stop people very seldom. It is impossible to struggle with plagiarism, because people choose their life themselves. If they want to use somebody for the sake of their purpose, they will do it. One can show the right way to another, but he must choose how he wants to live.


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