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The Term Media Convergence Media Essay

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Media
Wordcount: 1157 words Published: 1st Jan 2015

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What is meant by the term media convergence with regard to technology, and how has it affected everyday life?

Media convergence brings technologies such as a computing, and communication, together, which is very important in businesses today. This reach, makes the everyday lives of individuals easier since they now have much easier access to information on the things or products that they want and need. The combining of these different technologies, allows a longer more intuitive reach of businesses among its markets. Some industry leaders see media convergence as marking the letting go of the old media of print and broadcasting. Then the rise of the new media; this is what makes the world go around, now and days. We depend on way to much technology in today’s society; that if one major thing broke, we would surely be hurting. Media convergence has affected everyday life by making news easier to access. Instead of needing to watch TV or read a magazine to learn the day’s events, you can now go to the TV station’s website and get headlines in real time. Media convergence is not just a shift or a process; it also includes shifts within the industrial and social aspects, which encourage the consumer to seek out information. Convergence is how individual consumers interact with each other on a level and use different media platforms to create new and better experiences, new forms of media that connect us socially, and not just to other consumers, but to the have more producers of media in ways that have not been as accessible in the past.

What is meant by the term media convergence with regard to business, and how has it affected everyday life?

Media convergence means that the lines are getting blurred between the traditional forms of media and they are almost becoming one. A decade ago, there were clear differences between different print media, TV, the internet in general. Now look at things: News papers and TV have web sites. Those web sites deliver news in almost real time complete with moving video and feeds formatted for smart phones. Movies are now available streaming on the internet TV shows are now available streaming on the internet. Viewers can participate in TV shows in real time via social media. Things are all converging into one big mass media. The electricity of the gadgets affects your focus, and it would let you sleep tight. The media convergence is something that the suppliers should offer cheap and not expensive to swindle the public. Faster speed would not give you faster delivery to your clients. Long calls are not mindful, stay tuned all day to the TV, won’t give you better relationships, instead, you will become obese, lazy and full of debts , buying all the stuff of the advertising. These are just some ways that media convergence could affect in today’s society. I am sure there are other ways of explaining this, but I find it a hard question to answer all the way around; considering being in a business model environment; is something I have yet to be in, so far.

What are some of the issues that result from dependency on modern media? Describe at least three issues.

High level of inaccuracies seems to be a major fault in the media today. This is where we get falsified information; and we tend to grasp a hold to that information as if it were the truth. According to various different studies, a large percentage of the public find error in the news stories of their daily news stories. This happens more than once in a week, while more see spelling mistakes, more often than usual. Also another large percentage of individuals, have found to become wearier of their local news and news papers. Poor coverage of important issues is another factor that plays a role in how media is affecting us negatively in the world. Our main focus should be the environment, economy, the government, education, etc. But the media tends to stray away from a lot of the “good” in this and just report the “bad”. I am guessing the bad is what is good for ratings? It seems that the major news and magazines have declined, while entertainment and actors/actresses have doubled. The media tends to have a short attention span as well. Seems now and days, in our society, the news & media are more focused on news that isn’t as important to their viewers. And they seem to ignore serious problems for a long period of time, and then they finally notice. Once they notice they try to get a solution to resolve the issue, and it is not easily fixed, and once again it gets ignored.

How does media literacy help with responsible media consumption?

Media Literacy A definition and framework for media literacy comes from Wikipedia. Powerful Voices for Kids Summer Media Literacy Program “Media literacy is the process of accessing, analyzing, evaluating and creating messages in a wide variety of forms. It uses an inquiry-based instructional model that encourages people to ask questions about what they watch, see and read. Media literacy education is one means of developing media literacy. It provides tools to help people critically analyze messages to detect propaganda, censorship, and bias in news and public affairs programming (and the reasons for such), and to understand how structural features – such as media ownership, or its funding model – affect the information presented. Media literacy aims to enable people to be skillful creators and producers of media messages, both to facilitate an understanding as to the strengths and limitations of each medium, as well as to create independent media. Media literacy is an expanded conceptualization of literacy. By transforming the process of media consumption into an active and critical process, people gain greater awareness of the potential for misrepresentation and manipulation (especially through commercials and public relations techniques), and understand the role of mass media and participatory media in constructing views of reality.” Media literacy educators strive to address a balance between protection and empowerment. Protectionist approaches to media literacy emphasize the need to be aware of the negative aspects of mass media and popular culture, including the dangers and risks of online social media. Empowerment approaches emphasize building media awareness, promoting critical analysis of media texts, tools and technologies, and using image, language, sound and digital media for self-expression, communication and social advocacy. Media literacy educators have neither utopian nor dystopian views about the potential of digital and social media to transform K-12 education. They emphasize the both value of analyzing media texts, tools and technologies and the practice of composing using multimedia forms, genres and technologies.


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