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The evolution of marketing concepts

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Marketing
Wordcount: 3076 words Published: 1st Jan 2015

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Change is the only thing that will never change in this world. Same thing goes to the marketing world where the change and the evolution of marketing concepts have revolutionized the way organizations and consumers interact with each other. What created the change were the development of technology and the increased usage of internet which allows the organizations to use it as an ultimate leverage tool. As how humans evolved from staying in a cave to building high rise building to live, marketing concepts evolved in a same manner that improves the lives of organizations and also the consumers.

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The term marketing can be defined as the process or activity of promoting a product or services and selling the products through the aid of advertisements to reach the consumers. The evolution in the marketing concepts will not happen easily because it will take years of research in finding the perfect fulfillment of consumer needs. The marketing research done will be considering the demographics of the consumers where their age, gender, occupation and even their geographic location. All these are important in fulfilling the needs of customers because the immediate result and effect of customer satisfaction would be the profits or increase in sales for the organization. Therefore, fulfilling the customers¿½ needs would be a long term action plan for companies to work on and be proactive to the changes in the world of marketing.

Marketing concepts are a philosophy that is revolving around the concept of customer satisfactions where firms must keep on changing and taking decisions to improve their quality of product and services to ensure that the customer will be satisfied in consuming the product or in using the services. The marketing concept is given more focus than in competition because most firms found the secret to success in business lies in perfect customers¿½ satisfaction.

2.0 Production Concept

The production concept begins during the rise of industrial age where most industries were willing to produce goods in large amounts or huge quantity to fulfill the demand of consumers. It all happened at the peak of 1920¿½s where most industries were able to produce goods in large quantities to fulfill the need or demand. To do this most producers asked themselves some critical questions before working on producing a particular product for the consumers.

The question that would come to their mind is that whether they will be capable of producing a particular good or not and the next up and immediate question would be that whether they will be able to produce it in large scale or not. The concept was very simple where producers would look for an unfulfilled demand in the market and then produce the product in large scale so that it can be sold at a very low cost. An example of such product would Ford car called T-Model which was produced in large scale at a lower price.

3.0 Product Concept

Product concept is the understanding of the dynamics of the product in order to showcase the best qualities of the product. Marketers spend a lot of time and research in order to target their attended audience. Marketers will look into a product concept before marketing a product towards their customers.. This is where the producers begins to develop additional features for the products to allow some modification that would make the customers to feel deeply satisfied with their purchase. Most companies did their research in product development to ensure that the problems of customers are being solved completely.

Another cause for the development of product concept is that when the producers begins to produce goods excessively, consumers was not able to differentiate with a good and quality products for the fact that the products are produced at a low cost and does not last longer. That is the reason where product focus and differentiation occurs.

4.0 Selling Concept

Selling concept emerged when the differentiated products were not reaching the hands and meeting the eyes of the consumers. It is where salesmanship was introduced especially from door to door selling services. This was a revolutionary selling method in early days where the salespeople will come to the doorstep and explain about the products no matter how long it takes. The salesman was given commission based on the number of sales made per day.

Another aspect from the product concept that leads to selling concept is that the products which are differentiated is costly compared to the largely manufactured products by industries which is very cheap. Therefore, the companies used salesman to solve this problem by reaching the customers directly. There are a lot of products being sold earlier such as electronics item, kitchen utensils and even hardware tools.

5.0 Marketing concept

As change was frequent in the product selling era, companies were hunting for new ways to sell their products to consumers and by leveraging all the tools that they have. Selling using a salesman was costly due o the fact that the return from the sale is very less after deducting the commission for the salesman. Therefore, companies were desperate in finding simple ways to send their message about their products and at the same time make the selling process easier.

This is where marketing was given birth in bigger scale when companies decided to use new ways and techniques to promote their products. Besides creating a quality product, promoting the products became a very big concern for companies. Some of the examples of marketing activities being done is media marketing, radio, newspaper and even by using banners to promote any sales or discounts to grab the consumers¿½ attention.

6.0 Societal Concept

Societal concept involves the society as part of the marketing concept where to sum up the business process in a way that would satisfy the buyer, seller and also the consumer community. This concept resolves around the complete satisfaction of consumers. This concept involves the marketers of any organization to ensure that the buyer, seller and also the consumers to feel satisfied with the purchase. As it goes to the modern concept where not only customers given the attention for their satisfaction but also to the general public, environment, government, employees and even the organization itself.

7.0 The Evolution of Marketing Concept

The story of a marketing concept begins from the year 1888 where the industrial revolution occurs and changed the face of the world. The rise of large industries allows the necessity goods or products to be produced at a lower cost. Next up was the product concept where after year 1920 consumers begin to look for quality product that would solve their problems permanently. This is what created the product concept. When the products we formed and differentiated from the low cost products, salesman was required to sell the products direct to the consumers where the selling concept was formed.

Companies begin to see the potential in serving the consumers completely by giving quality services thus marketing concept was formed. This is where the marketing mix was used which is Price, Place, Promotion and Product. It is not an easy job to create a quality product because the evolution paused at the societal concept where the products being sold must satisfy the community, buyer and also the seller. The evolution of marketing concepts will never stop and will constantly change or improvise to feed the purpose of consumers. What is definite is that, with the aid of technology and internet, magnificent can be achieved.

8.0 Conclusion

The whole concepts of marketing can be summed up in just three parts where the first part refers to the Product philosophy which includes the product concept and also the production concept. The second marketing philosophy is the Selling philosophy that includes the selling concept and finally the marketing philosophy that includes marketing concept and the very new modern concept which is the societal concept.

It is well known that time is the only thing that changed and revolutionized the concepts of marketing. Besides that, the development of technology with the aid of information transfer at a faster rate for an example, the invention of Internet which changed the way we communicate and attain information. It is a fact that we can get any information in a short period o time with just few clicks away. Therefore, organizations must be aware that the change is constant and it¿½s a never ending process. So that is the reason why companies are coming up with constant innovation with their products. For an example, hand phones can be a very simple example that can prove to us the power of technology and the result of adapting to the frequent changes to it. Apple Company which was founded by Steve Jobs proves that products must be improvised constantly and it requires knowledge of customers¿½ needs. Apple did that by coming up with new models of successful Smartphone range called Iphone.

The constant update to the model made the customers happy and satisfied in buying the product. This can be a great lesson for upcoming companies where to adapt o changes of political, social, environment and technology is very important.

1.0 Introduction

The development and increased growth in technology enabled the entrepreneurs and marketers to utilize the marketing tools that allow the business to expand beyond horizon. An understanding of marketing concepts allows the marketers to perform superficially in the business world. It is an infallible truth that time have changed the way business operates but nothing managed to change the marketing concepts which is standing firmly as backbone for successful businesses.

The marketing concepts not only staying firmly on the business ground but it also managed to adapt to the changes aligned with the world¿½s development. The changes that were faced by the marketing concepts are from positive aspects where it never fails to serve businesses. Most importantly, the change in the marketing concept allows the businesses to soar higher in the international arena.

Some of the changes in the marketing concepts are due to the changes in the world¿½s relationship marketing and the introduction of borderless marketing. The concept of relationship marketing evolved as well due to the paradigm shift in the thinking of business owners¿½ especially marketing managers where customers are becoming more concerned over the quality of products and services.

The use of internet in marketing and business allows any organization to reach customers around the globe no matter where they are located. The powerful internet connectivity opens the door for marketers to use it for the growth of businesses by the means of borderless marketing. In the 21st century those two marketing concepts are bring used widely.

2.0 What is Marketing Concept?

Marketing concepts usually involves the producers, consumers and also the organization as whole where the interaction between them leads to the beneficial outcome for all parties. Marketing concept can be and idea or philosophy that revolves around the fulfillment of consumer needs and satisfaction. There are a lot of marketing concepts that is being used by organizations around the world which is unique and based on the values that the firms wants to provide to the consumers.

Some of the examples of marketing concepts are production concept, selling concepts, borderless marketing and relationship marketing. Each concept has its uniqueness and purpose when it comes to the objective of selling and marketing to the consumers that aims to fulfill their needs.

2.1 Relationship Marketing

As the name suggests, relationship marketing covers the areas around the relationships between the consumers and the firm. It solely depends on the complete satisfaction of the consumers which will ensure the success of the organization for a long term period. This idea can be described easily where the organization intends to offer great and quality services to the consumers or their existing customers so that the customers will be loyal to the brand of the organization.

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The idea can be further explained with the concept that revolves around the relationship between the suppliers and the organization too where the company will have a complete concern in fulfilling the needs of the suppliers by providing the goods and payments to the suppliers in right time. What will happen is that, the suppliers will be providing raw materials at the right time and will allow for delayed payments. The concept relates highly with the Golden Rule that can be the major philosophy of every businesses where providing the best and quality services to the customers and also the suppliers which provides complete satisfaction that will ensure the return of customers for great experiences. Besides that, relationship marketing involves word through marketing that can be a cost free marketing for any organization.

The word through marketing can be done when any organization that provides complete customer satisfaction will induce the consumers to spread words about the organization that will be a free promotion for the company. That is the reason why relationship marketing concept is being used widely everywhere around the globe.

2.2 Borderless Marketing

Borderless marketing can be an interesting marketing concept where the whole world will be the customer for the organization. The concept behind borderless marketing can be explained with the term called online marketing. The power of internet can be seen in this borderless marketing where the internet is used as a leverage tool for businesses to find customers all over the world. Seem to be that internet creates the connection between people with the aids of social networks, it has made the world to be smaller and be readily available in few clicks away.

As the name suggest which means there is no boundary or border in the way the marketing is done. The organization will have no restrictions or obstacles in finding the customers where the customers can be located easily anywhere around the globe with the aid of internet that allows faster and effective communications. Therefore, organizations will have to be specific in defining the exact target market due to the fact that the organization can be side tracked or loosing focus when they try to sell their products or services to everyone except to those whom can be the perfect consumer.

Borderless marketing can be a bit risky for most businesses due to the reason that it can be costly in terms of delivering the services or sometimes in disappointing customers for the delay in fulfilling their needs. That is the reason why the organizations that uses borderless marketing must always be able to adapt to the changes in internal and external environment. They must be able to control their organization from falling behind the competition and keep moving forward by utilizing all the latest technologies which can aid in the development of the company and also in reaching the customers. The benefit or the outcome from doing the borderless marketing can be exuberant. That is the reason why most organization uses it.

3.0 Examples of 21st Century Organizations that uses Relationship Marketing

One of the companies that use Relationship Marketing in every corner of the business is Zappos which is an online shoe and clothing company. The company follows some core values which can represent the basis of relationship marketing.

One of the core values that Zappos uses is the WOW philosophy that encourages the organization to provide complete customer satisfaction. What they believe is that by providing a quality customer service for an example like delivering the shoes or clothes earlier that the day promised to the customer will ensure the customer to stick to the organization for under promising and over delivering.

The company also follows the rule where open communication and honest relationships are built to ensure the development of the employee¿½s growth and also strengthens the relationship between the suppliers. By utilizing this marketing concept, Zappos managed to be a successful company that made it to be bought over by Amazon.com for the sum of USD $ 1.2 Billion.

4.0 Examples of 21st Century Organizations that uses Borderless Marketing

A largest furniture retailer company called IKEA is using borderless marketing. This can be seen clearly when the company allowed the consumers to have convenience in buying the products which can be done through online. The company managed to adapt to the changes as the way the consumers do their shopping improved.

IKEA managed to deliver quality customer experiences which can be seen in the rise of online shopping in the official IKEA website. The details about the product are explained clearly and the consumers will be able to shop from any corner of the world. The result is consumers will be happy to do their shopping online for it saves their time and another issue that can be seen is that IKEA now will be able to serve more customers from few clicks away.

5.0 Conclusion

As the saying goes where a person whom is willing to adapt to the changes in the environment will be able to prosper beyond limits. It is very true for organizations nowadays where the companies must be able to see beyond the window and put the customers ahead before making any decisions. Business is a service that is being offered to consumers to help them solve their problems and in return the company will enjoy the profits in terms of money.

The idea must be constantly held within organization to learn new concepts especially when it comes to marketing a new product or services. The marketing concepts are like core values that any companies must follow in order to have a guideline or a roadmap that will allow the company to attain the goals that intends to achieve in a period of time. Therefore, choosing the right marketing concept will ensure a perfect and quality return or benefits for the organization.


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