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Human Resources Management (HRM) in Aviva

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Management
Wordcount: 3069 words Published: 10th Jan 2018

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Today, organizations are recognizing the importance of using best practices to enhance the skills and knowledge of the workforce to have a competitive edge over other organizations competing in the market. An essential component of every organization is “training and development” of its employees. The effectiveness of training can be measured if the knowledge and skills of the potential employees is harness and developed. Harnessing, transferring and equipping information and knowledge to the potential employees within an organization in order to interpret that information and knowledge into practice with a vision to improve the organizational effectiveness and productivity and the management of the people in referred as training in general terms.

Training programmes and development of new employees after recruitment and selection process is an ongoing and many folded set of activities. Training and development is carried on in order to convey knowledge and skills to a big shot, over and over again to perform a job or a new role in the future. In Aviva Life Insurance Company Private Limited, training is considered as an effective tool to keep hold of and motivate their people and to be acquainted with technical change and customer services. Training and development programme must be strategically arranged in a line with the mission and goals of an organization. It needs to be aligned and designed with the aim of training and equipping employees to achieve the organizational goals, departmental as well as personal goals.

Training and development function is progressively more than a programme. Increasingly, it is a tool for breaking the new grounds and conveying continuous learning process and bringing about the change through training and development activities. Improved productivity has turn out to be universally recognized by the organization and it is dependant on efficient and effective training of the employees. Now a day, Aviva Life Insurance Company is investing on training and development of its workforce to stay a head and to gain competitive advantage. In order to stay competitive and to guarantee brilliant and skilled staff, Aviva needs to make sure the training and development of all the employees. Staff training and development is the bottom line of organization success.

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Planned training and development programme is a systematic development of knowledge and skills, attitude required to perform a job by the employees. Fresh candidate into Aviva carry certain skills and capabilities which are not pertinent to its goals and objects and or needs most of the time. It is the planned training and development program which are entailed for the new and existing employees to facilitate them to work in the direction of achieving expected destination of the organization. Mental, physical, social and intellectual trainings all are very essential for the development of personal and as well as for organizational success.

Human Resources Management and Training

Human Resources Management focuses on people recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, employee motivation and benefits. Human Resources Management is mess functioning part of Aviva Life Insurance Company which deals with human capital management and its administration.

Human Resources Management includes number of functions and its Human Resources Functioning keeps change with the passage of time and according to the needs of an organization. When we look at the association between human resources management and training and development within an Aviva it is also keep varying. The activities related to training are as important as other human resources functions are equally important. There was a time when training was considered to be the waste of time, money and resources, and considered to be fruitless. But in this present age of advanced technology and competitiveness, training is considered to be an investment of time and money in human capital. Now a day, training is considered to be an essential instrument of human resources management in order to organize, control and develop the human capital to reduce the attrition rate this helps in keep motivating the entire workforce within an organization. It increases the satisfaction level of employees, helps professional achieving personal and organizational goals. Training is considered to be the backbone of employees, organizational success and as well as departmental success. Survival without training has become difficult for the departments within an organization such as sales and marketing, production and finance department. Human Resources Department is taking training as a priority and human resources management is carrying it out effectively. Training and development programmes in Aviva enhance the profile development in the organization. Human resources management and professionals play a vital role in this scenario. The role of human resources management and professionals can be seen as a dynamic participation in employee education and improved performance means more rewards and productivity (Gary Dessler, 2000).

Training as a Strategic Function of Human Resources Management

Aviva is investing money resources in training considering it as a payback asset. They believe that investment in human capital will provide it competitive edge worldwide and it will enhance the profile development in the organization. Training is considered to be an ongoing process. It is a never ending learning process. It is functional at all levels, lower, middle as well as managerial level.

Training programme is a set of well planned activities. These activities related to training facilitate employees learning of knowledge, skills attitude to perk up the productivity to do their current job and enhance the performance to achieve organizational goals. Looking at the long term incentive of training, training and development of employees pertain to continuing efforts to improve working of entire human capital within an organization which will lead towards the achievement of personal and organizational goals. Training is essential for an employer of an organization for many reasons it facilitate the organization towards the development of human capital of a country. This gives an edge to the organization and changes its overall representation in the market and this can increase the relationship and influence. This necessitates a high level of collaboration between the employees and training and development team (Divina M. Edralin, 2004).

Aims and Objectives of Study

The research focuses on the evaluation of effectiveness of training carried on by Aviva. After the recruitment and selection of the employees it is important for Aviva to best train the new entrants so that they could perform better on job. Training of employees aims at taking best out of them. Training enhances the efficiency of the employees and it keeps them motivated. This study on evaluation of the effectiveness of training for employees in Aviva life insurance Company gives us an insight into the following objectives;

The Objectives are:

  • In order to get to know the value of training of human resources in any organisation.
  • To know the various methods, strategies, programmes and techniques used by the organisations for training its employees.
  • To check the value of the training programs that is conducted in the organization for their employees by analyzing the training programs.
  • To be familiar with the changes that an organisation can need to enhance its training programs to create them more valuable for the employees.
  • Identifying drawbacks of existing training process in practice in the organization.
  • Providing recommendations in order to reduce deficiencies from the existing training process in Aviva.

Purpose of the Study

This research is taken to check that whether these training programs are in use in the organization and to check the authenticity of these programs for the employees. It’s also check and evaluated that both these programs help the employees in Aviva to perform their tasks properly or not and also give organization a direction and way to improve and enhance their training program for better performance.

Scope of the Study

The scope of the study indents to provide an overview the typical methods used to evaluate the training effectiveness provided to the employees. The evaluation of effective training provided to the existing and new entrants ensure that the training was well structured and planned. A number of methods are used to measure the effectiveness of training. These techniques used in the Aviva to assess the effectiveness of training are organized and efficient and co-related to the training programmes. The tools and techniques used to weigh up the training effectiveness are considered to be the evaluation indicators. These indicators assist in establishing and maintaining effectiveness of the training provided to the employees. The main objective of using there indicators is to measure that to what extend the training objectives have been achieved and par the organizational needs.

Limitations of the study

Every study faces some limitation in carrying out its research. These limitations are unavoidable like always. This research expects to face the following limitations;

  • The feedback or response of the respondents would be uncontrollable
  • The study is confined to the training function only which is a strategic function of human resources management.
  • Reaching out training programme policies would be difficult.
  • The employees of the Aviva might not be willing to provide required information necessary to carry out the research.
  • The data provided by the Aviva life Insurance Company, according to the sample set of employees might be biased
  • Sample of chosen employees could be limited
  • All the above mentioned limitations can be a stumbling block in the way of research findings, data collection and data analysis.

Literature Review

Following will the literature review relating to the research on evaluating the effectiveness of training for the employees.


Conventional training necessitates covering up the important job-related skills and knowledge. On the whole, the most important and effective way to develop and train employees is based on effective training programme. Training is not only for the employees but also subjected to the top level management and the administration level. Employees should give training according to their job performance because every employee has different function to perform in organization.

Function of Training

The function of Training is:

“To provide employees with the skills and knowledge require ensuring optimum performance results, develop a cache of employees qualified to meet the organization’s operational needs, and contribute to positive morale, employee satisfaction, and development.”

Importance of Training

If the employees are giving proper training, it will benefit the organization in so many ways. By providing proper training Aviva can learn that how it will carry on in today’s rivalry world and speedily varying atmosphere.

Training helps in adding up worth to the reimbursement of the organization. If there is proper support from management and workers, Training will be more valuable. The value of training is as follows [1] :

Productivity can be increased in an Aviva with proper training.

Employee’s skill knowledge can be enhanced through training and it also helps a lot in improving whole character of the employee.

Quality of work performed by the employees can be enhanced by providing proper training.

Training helps in the improvement of the human resources in the organization by giving them skill base knowledge and through it employees can also improve their personality.

Maintenance of employees within the organization is done by Training and reduces labors return.

Employees get motivated for their work through training. Moreover, motivation helps the employees in performing organizational goals and objectives.

To build a peaceful work place in Aviva training is considered an important tool. It will also help in establishing the employee relationships and enhance the organizational traditions.

Aviva Life Insurance Company can get more profit through proper training. If the employees will get proper training then they will perform their work more efficiently which at the same time minimize the wear and tear.

Goals and objectives in Aviva can only be achieved with proper training and it also helps the employees to perform their goals.

Training Need Analysis

Training is a part of Human Resource Development. Training is very important for the development of employees along with the organizational development. Human Resource is the only resource which can drive business for competitiveness. Training is needed at all levels in Aviva. Training is effective only when it is given to the right kind of person at the right time for the right objective and involves the right cost. So only that kind of training should be given to employees which is effective for both the organization as well as for employees. Training Need Analysis involve the collection of data related to the need for providing training to the employees.

Methods of Training

There are several methods used for training such as;

On Job Training (OJ)

Off Job Training (Seminars, Lectures etc)

Cognitive Training (Discussions, Demonstrations etc)

Behavioural Training (Role Playing, Business Games etc)

Classroom Lectures


Role Playing


(Divina M. Edralin. (2004).

Research Questions

The research questions are:

  • What training programs are used by Aviva?
  • What are the actions for all the training programs which are done by Aviva?
  • How efficient and effective the training programs are done for the employees by Aviva?
  • What suggestions and recommendations can be purposed to Aviva for the enhancement in their training programs?

Problem Statement

“Organizations using training programmes are much effective and are meeting organizational needs or failing in today’s changing world.”


Every research has two variables. The independent variable does affect the dependent variable in every research.


Dependent Variable: Employees of an organization

Independent Variable: Training Programmes

Research Method and Data Collection

Research Design

It is essential to pursue a correct research method in order to feasible research. A research plan states basically the abstract arrangement within which the research can be obtained. The main purpose of a research design is to give for the gathering of related proof with accessible costs of effort, time and money. The research method should be able to elucidate the techniques suitable for obtaining the projected study.

In order to estimate the efficiency of the training for the workers in Aviva Life Insurance Co. Pvt. Ltd, a relative research design has been selected. The research methods are helpful in describing the different training programs made by Aviva and the estimation of the usefulness of those training programs, in order to obtain the goals of the research.

Data Collection for the research

Primary Data Collection

In this research, different methods have been used for collecting the data to quantify the results of this research. Both the primary and secondary data will be used for the research. The primary data will be collected by providing questionnaire to the employees in Aviva and by taking in-depth interviews.

Secondary Data Collection

The means of collecting the secondary data are magazines, books, journals, newspapers, internet, publications etc. The secondary data about the Aviva is collected by going through various journals, magazines, published statistics and websites of the organisation. Aviva has also provided data regarding their training programmes and their evaluation. For making the questionnaire and for deciding the questions to be asked in the interview, the data is collected about the topic of the research and about the organization through journals, websites, magazines etc.

Sample Procedure

The sampling procedure used in the research will be random sampling with each and every element in the population having equal chance of being selected. Keeping in mind the time and resource constraints, a sample of 40 employees were chosen.


The most important function of human resources management in Aviva is the training of employees. The transformation of skills and knowledge required to enhance the performance and increase the productivity can be achieved through effective training programme. Along with effective training, effective evaluation of training is necessary. The training programme should be according to the requirements and needs of the job. Before setting up any training programme, job specifications should be taken into account. The employees should also be fully motivated regarding the training programmes. For measuring whether the training objectives are achieved or not, evaluation should be done periodically. Evaluation helps the Aviva in measuring the effectiveness of the training programmes. There are proper methods for evaluating each and every type of training programme. The result of evaluation depends on the data collected by the organization for doing evaluation.


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