Training And Development Within The Hilton Group Management Essay
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✅ Wordcount: 4198 words | ✅ Published: 1st Jan 2015 |
Training is imparting skills to the employees. A worker needs skills to operate machines, and use other equipments with least damage and scrap. This is basic skills without which the operator will not function.
There is also a need of motor skills or psychomotor skills as they are refer to performance of specific physical activities .These skills involve learning to move various parts of their body in response to certain external and internal stimuli. Employees particularly like supervisors and executives, need interpersonal skills mostly know as people skills. These skills helps a person understand oneself and others better and act accordingly. Examples of interpersonal skills include listening. Persuading and showing an understanding of others feelings
2) Education
The purpose of education is to teach theoretical concepts and develop a sense of reasoning and judgment. That any training and development programme must contain an element of education is well understood by the HR specialist.
In fact, sometimes, organizations depute or encourage employees to do courses on a part time basis. Chief executive officers (CEO’s) are known to attend refresher course conducted in many Business schools. The late Manu Chabria, CMD, Shaw Wallace, attended such a two month programme at the Harvard business school. Education is more important for managers and executives than for lower-cadre workers.
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3) Development
Another component of a training and development programme is development which is less skill – oriented but stress on knowledge. Knowledge about business environment, management principles and techniques, human relations, specific industry analysis and the like is useful for better management of a company.
Development programme should help an employee to be a self-starter, build sense of commitment, motivation, which should again helps him being self generating. It should make their performance result oriented and help them in being more efficient and effective. It should also help in making the employee sensitive towards the environment that is his work place and outside. This programme should keep the employee aware of him i.e. his potentials and his limitations. Help him see himself as others see him and accept his self image as a prelude to change. It helps teach an individual to communicate without filters, to see and feel points of view different from their own. Also helps them understand the powers in their hands and thereby develop leadership styles which inspire and motivate others. And finally helps install a zest for excellence, a divine discontent, a nagging dissatisfaction with the status quo.
4) Ethics
There is a need for imparting greater ethical orientation to a training and development programme. There is no denial of the fact that ethics are largely ignored in businesses. They are less seen and talked about in the personnel function this does not mean that the HR manager is absolved if the responsibility. If the production, finance or marketing personnel indulge in unethical practices the fault rest on the HR manager. It is his/her duty to enlighten all the employees in the organization about the need for ethical behavior.
5) Attitudinal Changes
Attitudinal represents feelings and beliefs an individual towards others. Attitudes affect motivation, satisfaction and job commitment. Negative attitudes needs to be converted into positive attitudes. Changing negative attitudes is difficult because of
Employees refuse to change
They have prior commitments and
Information needed to change attitudes may not be sufficient.
Attitude must be changed so that the employee feels committed to the organization and give better performance.
6) Decision making and problem solving skills
Decision making and problem solving skill focus on methods and techniques for making organizational decision and solve work related problems. Learning related to decision making and problem solving skills seeks to improve trainee’s abilities to define and structure problems, collect and analysis information, generate alternatives. Training of this type is typically provided to potential managers, supervisors and professionals
Importance of Training and development for the organization
There are many benefits of Training and Development to the organization as well as employee. We have categorized as under
Benefits for the organization
Benefits for the individual
Benefits for personnel and human relation, intra group and internal group relation and policy implementation
Benefits for the organization
Improves communication between group and individuals.
Aid in orientation of new employee and those taking new job through transfer or promotion.
Provides information on equal opportunities and affirmative action.
Provides information on other government laws and administration policies.
Improve interpersonal skills.
Makes organizational policies, rules and regulations viable.
Builds cohesiveness in group.
Provides a good climate for learning, growth and co ordination.
Makes the organization a better place to work and live.
2) Benefits for the individual
Helps and individual in making better decision and effective problem solving.
Through training and development, motivational variables of recognition achievement, growth, responsibility and advancement are internalized and operationalised.
Aid in encouraging and achieving self-development and self confidence.
Helps a person handle stress, tension, frustration and conflict.
Provides information for improving leadership, knowledge, communication skills and attitudes.
Increases job satisfaction and recognition.
Moves a person towards personal goals while improving interactive skills.
Satisfies personal needs of a trainee.
Provides the trainee an avenue for growth in his or her future.
Develops a sense of learning.
Helps eliminate fear in attempting new task.
Helps a person improve his listening skill, speaking skills also with his writing skills.
3) Benefits for personnel and human relation, intra group and internal group relation and policy implementation
Improves communication between group and individuals.
Aid in orientation of new employee and those taking new job through transfer or promotion.
Provides information on equal opportunities and affirmative action.
Provides information on other government laws and administration policies.
Improve interpersonal skills.
Makes organizational policies, rules and regulations viable.
Builds cohesiveness in group.
Provides a good climate for learning, growth and co ordination.
Makes the organization a better place to work and live.
Training Process
The steps of Training Process are as under:
Organizational Objectives and Strategies
Evaluation of Results
Devising Training Programme
Establishment of Training Goals
Assessment of Training Needs
Implementation of Training programme
a) Organizational objectives and strategies
The first step in the training process is an organization in the assessment of its objectives and strategies. What business are we in? At what level of quality do we wish to provide this product or service? Where do we what to be in the future? Its only after answering these and other related questions that the organization must assess the strength and weakness of its human resources.
b) Needs assessment
Needs assessment diagnoses present problems and future challenge to be met through training and development. Needs assessment occurs at two levels i.e. group level and individual level, an individual obviously needs training when his or her performance falls short or standards that is when there is performance deficiency. Inadequate in performance may be due to lack of skills or knowledge or any other problem.
The following diagram explains performance deficiency
Lack of skills other causes
Or knowledge
Training Non training measures
c) Training and development objectives
Once training needs are assessed, training and development goals must be established. Without clearly-set goals, it is not possible to design a training and development programme and after it has been implemented, there will be no way of measuring its effectiveness. Goals must be tangible, verifying and measurable. This is easy where skilled training is involved
d) Designing training and development program
Who are the trainees? Who are the trainers? What methods
And techniques?
What is the what are the where to conduct
level of training principles of learning the program
e) Conducting training activities
Where is the training going to be conducted and how?
At the job itself.
On site but not the job for example in a training room in the company.
Off site such as a university, college classroom hotel, etc.
f) Implementation of the training programme
Program implementation involves actions on the following lines:
Deciding the location and organizing training and other facilities.
Scheduling the training programme.
Conducting the programme.
Monitoring the progress of the trainees.
g) Evaluation of the results
The last stage in the training and development process is the evaluation of the results. Since huge sums of money are spent on training and development, how far the programme has been useful must be judge/determined. Evaluation helps determine the results of the training and development programme. In the practice, however organizations either overlook or lack facilities for evaluation.
Methods of training
A multitude of techniques are used to train employees. Training techniques represent the medium of imparting skills and knowledge to employees. Training techniques are means employed in the training methods. They are basically of two types.
It is the verbal presentation of information by an instructor to a large audience. The lecturer is presumed to possess knowledge about the subject. A virtue in this method is that it can be used for large groups and hence the cost of training per employee is very low. However, this method violates the principle of learning by practice. Also this type of communication is a one-way communication and there is no feedback from the audience because in case of very large groups it is difficult to have interactive sessions. Long lectures can also cause Boredom.
Audio Visuals
This is an extension of the lecture method. This method includes slides, OHPs, video tapes and films. They can be used to provide a range of realistic examples of job conditions and situations in the condensed period of time. It also improves the quality of presentation to a great extent.
On- the – Job- Training
It is used primarily to teach workers how to do their present jobs. Majority of the industrial training is on the job training. It is conducted at the work site and in the context of the job. Often, it is informal, as when experienced worker shows a trainee how to perform tasks. In this method, the focus of trainer’s focus is on making a good product and not on good training technique. It has several steps; the trainee first receives an overview of the job, its purpose and the desired outcomes. The trainer then demonstrates how the job is to be performed and to give trainee a model to copy. And since a model is given to the trainee, the transferability to the job is very high. Then the employee is allowed to mimic the trainer’s example. The trainee repeats these jobs until the job is mastered.
Programmed Instruction (PI)
In this method, training is offered without the intervention of the trainer. Information is provided to the employee in blocks, in form of books or through teaching machine. After going through each block of material, the trainee goes through a test/ answers a question. Feedback in the form of correct answers is provided after each response. Thus PI involves:
Presenting questions, facts, and problems to the learner.
Allowing the person to respond
Providing feedback on the accuracy of the answers
If the answers are correct, he proceeds to the next block or else, repeats the same.
However it is an impersonal method and the scope of learning is less as compared to other methods of training. Also the cost of preparing books, manuals and machinery is very high.
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)
This is an extension of the PI method. In this method, the learner’s response determines the frequency and difficulty level of the next frame. This is possible thanks to the speed, memory and the data manipulation capabilities of the computer.
It is any equipment or technique that duplicates as nearly as the possible the actual conditions encountered at the job. It is an attempt to create a realistic for decision-making. This method is most widely used in Aeronautical Industry.
Vestibule Training
This method utilizes equipment which closely resembles the actual ones used in the job. It is performed in a special area set aside for the purpose and not at the workplace. The emphasis is placed on learning skills than on production. It is however difficult to duplicate pressures and realities of actual situations. Even though the kind of tension or pressure may be the same but the employee knows it is just a technique and not a real situation. Also the employees behave differently in real situations than in simulations. Also additional investment is required for the equipment.
Case study
It is a written description of an actual situation in the business, which provokes the reader to think and make decisions/ suggestions. The trainees read the case, analyze it and develop alternative solutions, select the best one and implement it. It is an ideal method to promote decision making skills. They also provide transference to an extent. They allow participation through discussion. This is the most effective method of developing problem solving skills.
The method /approach to analysis may not be given importance. Many a times only the result at the end of the case may be considered and not the line of thinking to approach it. This is a major disadvantage since case studies must primarily be used to influence or mend the attitude or thinking of an individual.
Role Playing and Behavior Modeling
This method mainly focuses on emotional (human relation) issues than other ones. The essences are on creating a real life situation and have trainees assumed parts of specific personalities (mostly interchanged roles of boss and subordinate to create empathy for one another). The consequence is better understanding of issues from the other’s point of view. Concept of Behavior Modeling:
Fundamental psychological process by which new patterns of behavior can be acquired and existing ones can be altered.
“Vicarious process” learning takes place not by own experience but by observation or imagination of others’ action.
It is referred to as “copying”, “observational learning” or “imitation” implying that it a behavior is learned or modified through observation of other’s experiences.
This change may be videotaped and showed to the trainee and he can review and critique it.
It also helps him see the negative consequences that result from not using the behavior as recommended.
Sensitivity Training
It uses small number of trainees usually less than 12 in a group. They meet with a passive trainer and get an insight into their own behavior and that of others. These meetings have no agenda and take place away from the workplace. The discussions focus on why participants behave the way they do and how others perceive them. The objective is to provide the participants with increased awareness of their own behavior, the perception of others about them and increased understanding of group process. Examples: Laboratory training, encounter groups. Laboratory training is a form of group training primarily used to enhance interpersonal skills. It can be used to develop desired behaviors for future job responsibilities. A trained professional serves as a facilitator. However once the training is over employees get back to being the way they are.
Apprenticeships and Coaching
It is involved learning from more experienced employee/s. This method may be supplemented with other off-the-job methods for effectiveness. It is applied in cases of most craft workers, carpenters, plumbers and mechanics. This approach uses high levels of participation and facilitates transferability. Coaching is similar to apprenticeships. But it is always handled by a supervisor and not by the HR department. The person being trained is called understudy. It is very similar to on the job training method. But in that case, more stress is laid on productivity, whereas here, the focus is on learning.
In this method skilled workforce is maintained – since the participation, feedback and job transference is very high. Immediate returns can be expected from training – almost as soon as the training is over the desired outcomes can be seen in the trainee.
Case I: Hotel Taj president
Who are the trainees?
Every employee walking in with the appointment letter is first a trainee as per the bond he signs and then when the time period of he being a trainee over, he gets permanently placed in the organization. Usually the employees other than management heads get selected from the ‘Taj Hotel Management Institute’ in Aurangabad.
Following are the departments were training is implemented after an employee walks in with the appointment letter (the order is in chronological format):
Food and Beverages
House keeping
Front Office
2) Methods or programs conducted for training
Taj president trains most of the employees on the job. The trainees are trained on the job. The introduction to the work is explained by the training department of human recourse management.
In case of introduction of new technology – like few days back new software was introduced to the stores department. Since the software (Orien) was new, the employees were given a lecture and practical study of this software. They were also showed audio visual to understand how to use the software.
3) Who trains the new employees?
In Case of the departments others than Kitchen,
The Trainees are trained by the Training & Development department which comes under Human Recourses Department.
In case of Kitchen, the kitchen employees and chefs are trained personally by the Chief Chef Mr. Aananda Solemon.
4) Why train the employees? What are the benefits?
To understand the Taj policies, values, morals and ethics. They are introduced with the vision & values of the hotel so that they perform their task accordingly.
To help the employee build his confidence in performing his work and help him use his theoretical knowledge provided by his hotel management course.
To make the employee get use to his job and surroundings and to make him comfortable in performing his job, thus satisfying his employer.
Helps the employee to upgrade his personal skills.
Helps the employee to learn new things and increase his knowledge.
Case II: Hotel Hilton Towers
Hotel Hilton works in a totally different manner from Taj when it comes to training its employees. In case of new employment, Hilton selects students from various hotel management institutes and molds them during their graduation period itself. Each hotel management student is allotted a time period to work as a trainee in any hotel. Hilton makes use of this time period and molds the students.
Who are the trainees?
In case of departments other than management, the trainees are undergraduate students from various hotel management institutes. In case of management the hotel only employees experienced staff with high qualification.
Who are the trainers?
There is a Training department under the HR who takes care of the new trainees and the training programs conducted for them.
3) What are the training programs?
Introduction or orientation wherein, the student is introduced to the hotel and is told about the training program for the immediate three months of his training and the long term training policies.
Grooming sessions are conducted to educate the trainees how to dress and behave to match the standards that Hilton maintains. They are given personal skills and are made presentable.
They are taught values of the hotel that are policies like keeping the customer always satisfied. The basic principle that is to maintain the old customers and get new customers.
4) What are the benefits for the employee?
The employees are students of hotel management. The training sessions provides them with practical knowledge which helps them in their hotel management course and makes it easy to understand the job perspectives during the graduation course itself.
They also apply the knowledge which they get in these training sessions to their academic knowledge which makes them a better student in all. The theoretical knowledge gained by them hotel management course is then converted to practical knowledge.
Analysis of the case study comparison
Both the methods of training are effective and have their merits and demerits which can be summarized as follows:
In case of hotel Taj President
The methods of training are good and effective but it’s not always that the employee changes himself and molds himself as per the organization principles and objectives even though he might be an intelligent and talented employee.
In case of Hotel Hilton tower
The hotel conducts a very well planned and managed programme for training but in all there is no such guarantee that the employee or the trainee would like to join the same organization after his graduation. He may also start his own business or join some other hotel. This would result in losses for the hotel.
Therefore a mix strategy, wherein the employees are trained in the hotels as interns and are then made to sign a bond wherein they to agree to work for few years in the same organization would be effective.
Gone are the days when training was a 2 hour process on the first day of the job. Training & Development has transformed from an add-on function to a core function of companies. It has become more of a science with systematic rules and formats guiding the companies on how to go about training and development. And that is the way it should be.
Training and development is a necessity for both the trainer and the trainee. The trainer (the company) would want to make its staff more efficient in this highly competitive world. It would want its employees to know the latest trends and technologies and use them according to the company’s principles and objectives. The trainees (staff) on the other hand, view training and development as a stepping stone for enriching their career and fulfilling their personal needs. Training and development is another round of education for them, the knowledge from which is to be applied later. So, it’s more of a mutual necessity and agreement between the companies and their respective employees when it comes to training and development.
The future would demand more from the employees as well as the companies in terms of productivity. New technology, multi-tasking, group culture, etc. will be more emphasized upon. This means training and development is going to be even more important, complex and rigorous. Companies already foresee this and are already in preparations to make their staff better equipped. On this we conclude our report with the following words “Education ends with school but learning ends with life.”
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