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The Role Of Hr Practices In Stress Management Management Essay

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Management
Wordcount: 3538 words Published: 1st Jan 2015

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This proposal is a production upon the request of London School of Business & Finance. While starting off with the topic my complete focus in the proposal and then followed on in the dissertation would be on stress management and stress related activities in business process outsourcing organizations. My prime focus would be on three companies HCL, Ventura and Genpact while based on them the proposal would conclude how such firms manage and cope up with stress. This can help determine the standard level of stress people working in this industry face.


“Exploration of the role of Human resource management related activities in relation to stress management with specific focus on business process outsourcing firms”.


The word stress just runs strains on our forehead and is a common practice all together among us all, while some say it’s due to personal problems other believe that it has relations with professional life, while i am a firm believer of both. The working conditions and employment requirement are increasingly becoming difficult with rapid dynamism in them. Among many sector is the sector Business Process Outsourcing also popularly known as BPO. Organizations are either transforming themselves or establishing new BPOs at an alarming rate and while there is no doubt that they are going to stay here for long. While the number of BPOs are increasing so is the demand for new people to come in over and take up the job of managers and sub-ordinates. Along with these job hires something that needs to be very clear from the start is that the job is not easy and along with it brings a great deal of stress. Organizations and managers understand the degrees of stress their staff and line managers face and also know the amount of work that suffers due to job related stress but even than there are many organizations that have yet not been able to explore a concrete solution to job related stress. Legalities involving stress yet has been an interesting part that has asked employers to be more focussed and aggressive to solve the issue and taking steps towards building a system to protect or rather support their employees from stress.

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In the modern organization which Human resource Management is becoming a common day practice the stress related activity management is also becoming a close companion, everyday several HR managers tackle issues and recommend various solutions in their related issues. This analysis determines the current scenario of the relationship between human resource management and stress management, exemplifying the BPO organizations like HCL, Ventura and Genpact to have a detailed view in BPO sector.



In this current scenario India has emerged as a leading player in the global Business Process Outsourcing Industry (BPO). Roy et. al. 2005 has defined BPO as ”The delegation of one or more information technology (IT) intensive business processes to an external provider that, in turn, owns, administrates and manages the selected process based upon defined and measurable performance metrics.” Organizations transfer their critical, non-core business functions to offshore vendors who use IT based service delivery; mainly due to cheap availability of labor offshore. Budhwar et. al. 2006 have added to the list of activities or areas covered by BPOs; customer care, such as sales support, help desk and remote maintenance; finance and administration, examples of which are inventory management, data analysis, insurance claims and medical transcription; and HR and payment services including payroll, credit-card services, check processing, and employee leasing and other areas like remote education, content development, market research, animation, network consultancy and management.


Marchington and Wilkinson (2009) has defined human resource management as the management of employment, incorporating collective and individual relations, line management activities, managerial and non-managerial actors, and the whole range of HR practices and processes. Storey (2008) has defined Human resource management as

”a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce using an array of cultural, structural and personnel techniques”.


The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) defines stress as the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed on them HSE is the body working towards protecting the people against risks to health and safety arising out of work activities by providing information and advice, promoting training, through new or revised regulations and codes of practice, investigation, inspection and enforcement. (www.hse.gov.uk)

Stress management is generally seen as the activities to reduce the effects of stress rather than reducing the reducing the presence of stressors at work. On-site physical fitness, exercise, meditation and time management are stress management initiatives that are directed at preventing stress.


Lee (2000) surveyed 1,299 employees from 37 organizations and listed ten major factors contributing to employee stress, which are as follows, in sequence of importance:

• Employees not being free to talk with one another

• Personal conflicts on the job

• Employees not being given enough control over their work

• Inadequate staffing or budget

• Management and employees not talking openly

• Management perceived as being unsupportive

• Below-average sick and vacation benefits

• Reduction in employee benefits

• Having to deal with bureaucratic red tape

• Lack of recognition or reward for doing a good job”

Stress, its reactions can be defined in various dimensions. They can differ in the level of how they affect an individual, the short term stress activities are usually coped up with recreation and relaxation but it can all become in vain if the person’s stress level has either been historic or is very frequent and high which can occur in giving rise to psychological stress complaints (for example burnout) and/or chronic physical (for example coronary heart disease). He has also classified the stress reactions in five different categories: cognitive, affective, physical, behavioural and motivational as shown in table 1 below.

Table 1:Possible stress symptoms at the individual, interpersonal and organizational level.









Depressed mood



Being oversensitive

Job dissatisfaction



Cognitive impairments

Difficulties in decision making




Cynicism about the work role

Not feeling appreciated

Distrust in peers, supervisors and management


Physical distress (headache, nausea, etcetera)

Psychosomatic disorders (gastric-intestinal disorders, coronary diseases etcetera)

Impairment of immune system

Changes in hormone levels




Increased consumption of stimulants (caffeine, tobacco) and illicit drugs

Over- and under-eating

Violent outbursts

Aggressive behaviour

Interpersonal conflicts

Social isolation/withdrawal

Aggressive behaviour

Poor work performance

Declined productivity



Increased sick leave

Poor time management


Loss of zeal

Loss of enthusiasm





Loss of interest in others



Loss of work motivation

Resistance to go to work

Dampening of work initiative

Low morale

Source: Adapted from ”Introduction to Work and Organizational Psychology: A European Perspective” by Nik Chmiel, 2000 (p 156).


Cooper and Payne (1988) have explained sources of stress in computer-based work, by characterizing them in four major categories; which are as follows:-

Human factors constraints – workstation layout, interface design, VDU and keyboard design and hardware characteristics of computing environments.

Organizational decisions – introduction strategies, implementation and job impact, training and user support, long term strategies, constraints on communication and social interaction.

Work demands – constraints on planning and work strategies, opportunities for control and discretion, temporal and structural changes.

Personal characteristics – stress tolerance and cognitive skills.

Different people have different levels of stress tolerance. It differs how people take changes in the organization. Employees’ cognitive competence also varies in terms of different patterns of information processing skills, using memory or dividing attention between activities.



I would be focused on using all three sources of research in my dissertation, which would guide me in focusing on the issue in all different ways.

Exploratory research would be used to explore the issue of stress management and identify the current common problems that the industry and managers face on the whole. As a lot of data in the shape of research pieces is already available I would try to identify the common practices and create a general understanding with clear identification of the problem.

Descriptive research would be used to dig down the issue of stress management. For this I plan to use the already available surveys both in quantitative and qualitative forms. These surveys can enable to understand the topic and the positions of BPOs deep down.


For data collection I would be suing both the sources primary as well as secondary. The sources and their augmentation for the dissertation are explained below.


We already know what primary research is all about. The focus in my dissertation for primary data collection would be on two techniques questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaires can be sent and received via mails and emails while I plan to do both telephone and video conference interviews.

Types of Primary Sources

Payne and Whittaker (2006) have suggested the following basic methods for collecting the primary data.


The surveys would be among one popular way of conducting the research. As already explained the possible tool to be used would be questionnaires. They would both be mailed and emailed ask candidates to answer them in a particular time frame (commencing on days).


This method would help get the insight on employers and employees. The insights can only be explained via interviews and observation of the candidates. The interviews would both be phone based and video conference based.


While for secondary research, data required already exist. It can be in the form of published reports, journals, books, and etcetera. The data can also be either external or internal to the organization. The internal data is considered as a part of MIS. Brassington and Pettitt (2007)

Types of Secondary Sources



Periodicals and journals


Publications from professional bodies

Internet, websites and search engines.


This research would be done using both primary and secondary research, both these techniques would allow to do a comprehensive analysis of the situation in BPOs related to stress management. Prime focus in understanding the topic and digging down deep on stress management would be via secondary research but exploring the organizations would be through primary research. The data used would be realistic and based on them the conclusions and the recommendations of this project be produced. For the literature review academic journals, articles and books from the university of Wales library would be used and the reason for sticking to one main source as a library is the time and cost constraint. Electronic journals and databases would be used to get insight and views of the authors, for citing examples, agreements and disagreements. Company websites will also be a key source of information which can help me in discussing the profile and current scenario of the organization.



























Research & Idea Generation For The Objective of Research

















Development of Proposal

















Presenatation of the Idea To The Instructor

















Designing & Discussing the research

















Litresture Review

















Exploration of The Organizations Involved

















Development of Questionaires

















Data Collection

















Data Anallysis



















































Formation of Report



































Stress management is becoming a common issue and managers need to focus on reducing it to minimum as possible. It also allows to investigate how deep down the roots can be within an organization and in this competitive era it can be something that can be the difference between successful and unsuccessful firm. Management interventions can change the effects . The study would primarily look how the reduction can play its part towards the change in level of productivity of the organization. Exploration would also be made to conclude whether one time stress programs work better of an industry/firm wide program has a better effect. Conclusions would also be made on issues such as whether a permanent program is better for implementation or programs that are prolonged but are in pieces be a better solution. Taking steps to manage employee stress, helps in reducing the various kinds of costs which the company might have incurred due to the high attrition rate, absenteeism, recruitment, training and development of new employees or replacements. If the employees have flexible work schedules to maintain a balance between their professional and personal life and stress free working environment, they will be motivated and work towards achieving the targets.


To conduct the research I believe I need to be focused on the following main points:

Getting evident about whether the organizations provide training and development programs to their employees. This would also include refresher training programs and also the one that need employees to be getting up close with the policies of the organization.

Secondly, exploration whether the motivational programs being conducted are customized as per employee or not. The majority workforce being carried out is of people from diverse backgrounds working for call centers it’s important to explore that a motivational program exists or not. Further the tailoring of these programs.

Thirdly the most common practices of the managers and the employees would also be a focus of debate. The most common practices of HR and the ones related to day to day mentoring and stress management in these BPO firms would also be explored.


Anderson, P. and Marcia, P. (March 2001) Managing Workplace Stress in a Dynamic Environment. Health Care Manager, Volume 19, Issue 3, pg1-10.

Atkinson, J. M. (1988). Coping with stress at work. (Wellingborough: Thorsons).

Brassington, F. and Pettitt, S. (2007). Essentials of Marketing. 2nd ed. (Harlow, England: Prentice Hall)

Budhwar, P. S., Luthar, H. K. and Bhatnagar, J. (2006). The Dynamics of HRM Systems in Indian BPO Firms. Journal of Labor Research. Volume 27 Issue 3, June, pp 339-360.

Chmiel, N. (2000). Introduction to work and organizational psychology: a European perspective. (Oxford: Blackwell).

Cooper, C. L. and Payne, R. (1988). Causes, coping and consequences of stress at work. (Chichester: Wiley).

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Genpact (2008) Q1 2008 GENPACT LIMITED Earnings Conference Call – Final Fair Disclosure Wire (Quarterly Earnings Reports), EBSCO Regional Business News, May 2008.

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Siliconindia (2007). Genpact, WNS and Transworks: Top three third-party BPO units. EBSCO Regional Business News. 10(7), August, p13-13.

Storey, J. (2007). Human Resource Management: A Critical Text. 3rd ed. (London: Thomson Learning)

Sudhashree, V. P., Rohith, K., Shrinivas, K. (2005). Issues and concerns of health among call center employees. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine; 9:129-32.

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