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Proposal of Lean Supply Chain Management

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Management
Wordcount: 1409 words Published: 23rd Sep 2019

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Lean is a management principle that improve consumer value through waste removal and constant enhancement in an existing system, by implementing lean technique, principle and standard. When the lean theory carries out to the whole SCM (Supply Chain Management) known as LSCM (Lean Supply Chain Management).  This paper draws the literature on Lean in SCM and determine patterns and recent issues inside the area.  The paper also includes a extensive study of articles on Lean supply chain using utilizing systematic content analysis. It has been proven by Toyota that by implementing Lean principle, tools and technique to reduced overall-cost, reduced internal risk, faster delivery, better quality. This paper examines the change in conventional supply chain network in accordance to standard of lean theory. Of contrasting traditional supply chain and lean supply chain (SCM) framework and Propose recommendation and suggestion to formulate LSCM.

Keywords Supply chain, Lean supply chain

Table of Contents


Executive Summary


Description of the Project

Conclusions and Lessons Learned

Project Approach





Executive Summary

This project will focus on current challenges on globalization in ultra-modern supply chains. Today’s organizations cannot effectively satisfy the requirements of consumer and increase worldwide competitiveness without setting up proper infinite relationships with their main suppliers and without proper strategy of inward and outward flow of materials. Due to advent globalization of today’s business, supply chain are winding up progressively more and more complicated.  Customer expect creative items or goods at the minimal price. In such conditions, Companies discover it progressively challenging to develop active and cost-effective supply chains.

One of the greatest difficulties confronting organization is discovering the ways to lessen the cost of their supply-chain. So as the meet the expectation of the customer in final value of the product, organizations are moving their manufacturing department to different nations with low costs. However, Doing a outsourcing and offshoring can lead in complicated supply chains and increase in lead time. In such situation, role of business ventures to implement adequate methodology to decreased the risk of supply chain increase.


Every companies have their own designed and system regarding their business operations, but all companies have the same objectives they want concerning their supply chain which is to achieve low cost along with high level of quality, and responsiveness throughout the supply chain (Wisner, Tan and Leong, 2016).

Businesses are competing with each other in order to innovate, to formulate a method, a system in their supply chain not only so that they can achieve the main objectives but also to have competitive advantage against their competitors.

Aside from internal objectives, another motive that might motivate firms to better their supply chain operation is the rise of Corporate Social Responsibility trend. From the recent past years, we can see an unprecedented change of perception toward the role of corporation. The expectations for companies to act more responsibly and to play a more active role in the investment of communities and employees are high. (McPherson, Susan, 2018)

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Businesses nowadays are demanded by their customers to shift their profit-oriented focus to also include environment and the community in their strategic planning. This shift of believes by the societies on business responsibilities forced corporations to respond if they are to survive and be profitable. But the interests of profit, environment and community more that often clashes with each other shaping the conception that being responsible is expensive (Institute of Economic Affairs, 2019)

A business philosophy that the writers believe can be applied to Supply Chain Management to achieve firm’s supply chain goals while at the same time enable the firm to be socially and environmentally responsible and profitable is known as Lean Supply Chain.

Description of the Project 

In this capstone project, the writers will:

  1. Introducing Lean Thinking
  2. Discussing each elements of Lean Supply Chain in detail
  3. Providing best practices for each elements of the Lean Supply Chain, and
  4. Presenting the impact of the implementation of each elements for businesses, environment and community

Conclusions and Lessons Learned

The writers will briefly recap the purpose of this project, as well as summarize the major findings/outcomes by implementing Lean to Supply Chain Operations. In this section, the writers also will explain why the findings matter and the limitations of the research.


Project Approach


Initial phase of any project is important. In this phase we will gather data, analyzed and create outline of entire project. We will gather as much information using Data gathering technique including article, literature review, scholar article, books, report, video, audio.


In this phase we will further divide project in number of milestones. Depending on complexity of each milestone we will allocate time respectively and schedule the project.  Using milestone technique in project management will allow us to ensure project key points and aspect are being achieved through the project timeline. 


A comprehensive research and analysis will be conducted on gathered data. Research will be depending on authenticity, source and origin of the paper or article. The fundamental result of this project will represent the researcher’s development & forthcoming studies and structure that formulate the implication of the lean supply chain management.


  • 8 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Trends To Look For In 2018. (2017). Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/susanmcpherson/2018/01/12/8-corporate-social-responsibility-csr-trends-to-look-for-in-2018/
  • Corporate Social Responsibility – SourceWatch. (2019). Retrieved from https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Corporate_social_responsibility
  • JAVE DÍAZ, A., & SAEED, A. (2019). Coercive Pressures, Internal Green Supply Chain Management Practices and Environmental Performance: Empirical Evidence from Manufacturing Companies of Peru. Destech Transactions On Social Science, Education And Human Science, (icssm). doi: 10.12783/dtssehs/icssm2018/27152
  • Milan Ková, I. (2015). LEAN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT. Retrieved from https://www.sjf.tuke.sk/transferinovacii/pages/archiv/transfer/28-2013/pdf/003-007.pdf
  • Supply-chain management. (2019). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supply-chain_management
  • Wisner, J., Leong, G., & Tan, K. Principles of supply chain management (5th ed.).




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