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Measures to Mitigate the Negative Impact of Change

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Management
Wordcount: 2092 words Published: 8th Feb 2020

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Evaluate measures that can be used to mitigate the negative impact of change.

It has long been recognised in management literature that when introducing change within organisations it is important to consider how the potential negative impacts can be mitigated (Hayes, 2014). One of the first models to address this was the Lewin (1951) for field analysis which encouraged organisations to quantify the positive and negative drivers of change and determine how these could be offset from one another, subsequently to this, a number of management theorists and consultants have proposed approaches to effective change management to mitigate its negative effects including human-based interventions whereby responsibility and accountability perceptions of the change programme is delegated individuals to give them a feeling of control over change (Burnes,2009).

This helps mitigate psychological impact as discussed previously. The beneficial aspects of this approach are that employees become more committed to seeing through the change initiative and less likely to linger in the resistance stages of the Kubler-Ross cycle as they have something to focus their attention. The potential risks associated with this it is likely that some individuals within the organisation will still continue to resist change and this could have wider damaging impacts.

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Alternative measures which can be used to mitigate the negative impact of change include more contemporary approaches such as a matrix approach is proposed by Buhner and Arnold (1996) who recommend the use of a change impact analysis table. This can be used to assess the potential impact of change in terms of antecedents and consequences. It can also be used within organisations to assess whether any mitigation strategies might be necessary or whether it is preferable to break down change initiatives into smaller tasks which are more easily manageable and less likely to have a significant negative impact. This can be linked back to the idea of the Burke-Litwin (1992) framework which illustrates the systemic impact of change, the implications of which from an organisational perspective are that if change has a small negative impact on one area this could be magnified elsewhere. This is why carefully considering the potential impact of change from multiple stakeholder perspectives and responding proactively can be beneficial.

Regardless of whether your job is driving a group, or supporting others to oversee change effectively, here are ventures to help as you set out on your change activities.

Listen and legitimatise

Acknowledge skilled and submitted individuals will encounter perplexity, nervousness and uncertainty also energy for the change. Try not to attempt to remove individuals from their feelings. Make it ok for individuals to express their feelings. Give safe chances to individuals to vent, one-on-one, and in little gatherings. Enable individuals to state farewell to the past and treasure their recollections. Offer help that empowers individuals to advance and grasp what’s to come.

Empower keen reflection on, and discourse of, the passionate component of work. At the point when feelings are recognized and individuals are treated with deference individuals will probably connect with change.

The downside is: Amid this worker director talk’s and listening it is imperative that the line between the administration level and representative’s don’t ends up obscured. In spite of the fact that directors may esteem worker inclusion, a restrained structure with clear detailing lines are imperative to the security in associations. 

Create hope for the future:

Spotlight on the change vision and make a feeling of seek after what’s to come. In doing as such, you can enable individuals to move out of nervousness, and transform their worries into interest.

Discussions about conceivable outcomes can rouse positive feelings of energy, certainty, camaraderie, and a feeling of achievement.

Being available to new conceivable outcomes makes excitement for what’s in store. Change requires an enormous measure of vitality. Supporting change over the long haul implies taking advantage of the intensity of positive feelings. Connecting with representatives in forthcoming discussions about genuine and potential operational hazard and issues can be exceptionally valuable. Bleeding edge representatives may have profound knowledge into the specialized and calculated difficulties that lie ahead. Expectation and distinguishing genuine and potential obstructions previously change is actualized empowers individuals to take part in critical thinking that could turn away exorbitant slip-ups. Urging representatives to share their thoughts and their inclination constructs promise to between time objectives and the more extended territory vision.

The downside is;Nervousness, this inclination is generally the main when worker was requesting to share his or her fantasy or vision. There is dependably a dread that the info probably won’t be acknowledged. What’s more, think, that the announcement or commitment that he or she has made wouldn’t be what is required. Taking individual thoughts doesn’t give the association the solidarity to bring vision/dream out.

Encourage Employee Voice:

It’s a device to hose any adverse input from individuals by demanding that everybody be certain. Connecting with representatives in straight to the point discussions about genuine and potential operational hazard and issues can be extremely valuable. Bleeding edge representatives may have profound understanding into the specialized and calculated difficulties that lie ahead. Expectation and recognizing genuine and potential boundaries previously change is executed empowers individuals to take part in critical thinking that could turn away expensive slip-ups. Urging workers to share their thoughts and their inclination constructs duty to between time objectives and the more extended territory vision.

The downside here is; that at times the expert connections can end up hazy and the limits of power can wind up broken. This may require more prominent command over workers, not less.

Maintain A Sense of Humour:


Notwithstanding amid troublesome occasions, keeping up a comical inclination can encourage both you and others to place things into point of view and abstain from becoming involved with resentment or tension.

The downside is; In the event that humour is restricted or not on a par with one would anticipate that it can’t avoid being, it reflects in the nature of discussions you will have in the association. The workers will probably be not kidding and anxious constantly and you truly won’t get the opportunity to express and experience humour as you’d love to. Jokes dependably get confounded as put-down. It could execute the vibe in a worker relationship in the association in the event that you need to dependably stress before dropping clever comments on the grounds that your representatives can’t take a joke and dependably sulk that you’re ridiculing them or offending them.

Positive Incentives:

Are those motivating forces which give a positive confirmation to satisfying the necessities and needs. Positive motivations for the most part have an idealistic state of mind behind and they are by and large given to fulfil the mental necessities of representatives. For instance, advancement, applaud, acknowledgment livens and remittances and so on. It is sure naturally.

Effective communication:

The skill zone identifies with the capacity and readiness of leaders of organisational change to utilize successful specialized techniques. All together for backers, operators, supporters and members to cooperate to realize fruitful change, they should convey adequately.

The main skill concerns the capacity and ability to characterise unmistakably and agreed on change objectives and to recognise the association of the supporters, specialists, and focuses in accomplishing these objectives. The following skills is the capacity and ability to discuss successfully with certainty, with low malformation of data, and with high coinciding among activities and words.

What’s more, there is the skill of capacity and readiness to listen effectively to the two actualities and sentiments communicated amid the change procedure.

At long last, paying little mind to job, people require the capacity and readiness to convey in a way that produces trust and validity.

Treat everybody genuinely: Numerous directors are much of the time blamed for particular treatment, and it is vital upon authoritative pioneers to ensure they are acting in a reasonable manner on the grounds that the presence of special conduct can make strife circumstances.

Help staff create positive work relationship: Representatives ought to be allowed to become more acquainted with one another better and to feel more great with one another in the working environment. This should be possible by giving chances to social collaborations. This can occur by placing staff into contact with individuals they don’t ordinarily communicate with, and by periodically giving broadly educating chances. In any case, it is essential to take note of that after some time connections in a workplace can change in a way that undermines generally speaking execution. On the off chance that these connections start to centre mostly around passionate help, these gatherings may overlook that work is tied in with getting things achieved. Many work connections are ineffectual in light of the fact that they have turned out to be isolates from accomplishing the associations destinations.


Organizations of numerous types always encounter change in light of the fact that as ventures develop, business need to advance. Change, for example, changing to another HR plan can, influence your business all around, however that doesn’t really imply that it needs to change for the most exceedingly awful.

Change should be managed in a successful and dependable way and whenever done accurately it will genuinely profit the organization and make it a smooth progress.



  • Burke, W.W., and Litwin, G.H., (1992) A causal model of organisational performance and change, Journal of management, 18(3),523-545.
  • Burns., (2009) managing change; A strategic Approach to organisational Dynamics, (5th Edition), Harlow: Financial Times / Prentice Hall.
  • Cameron, E., and Green, M., (2015) making sense of change management; a complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organisational Change-London; kogan Page Publishers.
  • Duck, Jeanie. D. (1993) managing change; The art of balancing Harvard business Review-November-December.
  • Fredrickson, B.L. (2001) The role of positive emotions in positive psychology; The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions. American psychologist, 56, 218-226.
  • Ford, J.D., Harvard Business Review, 87(4), 99-103.
  • Hayes, J., (2014) The Theory and practice of change management. Basingstoke; Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Kotter, J.P., (1996) Leading change. Boston; Harvard Business School Press.
  • Lewin, K., (1951) Field Theory in Social Science. New York; Harper and Row.


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