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Implementing Local Area Network for a New HR Department in EMU

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: It Research
Wordcount: 5969 words Published: 23rd Sep 2019

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  1. Table of Contents


1.1. Project Overview(Summary):

1.2. Project Objectives:

2. Initiation

2.1. Integration

2.1.1. Scope Scope definition: Scope Statement: PROJECT CHARTER

2.2. Communication

3. Planning

3.1. Integration

3.2. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

3.3. Scope

3.4. Time

3.5. Cost

3.6. Quality

3.7. Human resources

3.8. Communication

3.9. Risk

3.10. Procurement

4. Execution

4.1. Integration

4.2. Quality

4.3. Communication

4.4. Procurement

5. Controlling

5.1. Integration

5.2. Cost

5.3. Quality

6. Closing

6.1. Integration

6.2. Procurement

7. Summary




The information processing services are growing at an alarmingly rapid rate. Network-based resources such as E-mail, client-server, planning and discussion databases have reached mission-stage on a world enterprise level. These network services must be strong and fault tolerant to fulfil business demands. It is essential that the underlying network infrastructure carrying voice, knowledge (data) and video technologies support this growing demand currently, and in the future.

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The goal of this project is to provide an architecture strategy that will enable us to have an open interoperable network. The architecture will serve as a guideline that will permit reusability of technologies, economies of scale and support efficiencies.



1.1. Project Overview (Summary):

It is irrational considering today’s interconnected world to continue using the analog system of computing data considering the ever-increasing volumes of data generated every day. As this transition by companies, institutes, organizations etc. have led to an enormous rise in the importance and requirement for networking and database management.


1.2. Project Objectives:

Providing a medium for securing data, safe communication and data transmission are the main objectives of our project.

The Network design and topology is chosen to ensure effective use of the network, as one of the objectives, we have to teach the clients how to use the software and make it as easy as possible for them to use. As we know now technology is a big part of every business and even for every single person alive so we must keep our important data and messages secure as much as we can.

2.        Initiation

2.1.           Integration

2.1.1.     Scope          Scope definition:

Our requirement for this project is to implement a local area network connection in the HR department, link the network to a server in a remote location, and in addition a database management system.          Scope Statement:

The company needs to implement a local area network for the HR department of the Eastern Mediterranean University water service. This is aimed at upgrading their activities from the old analog system where everything was on paper to a computerized digital system, which would include connecting them to an ISP and a server through the data center.

so we need a database with storage and external storage as a to protect data so that if anything happens, data would not be lost.

We also need to install a database management system on all the computers and teach the staff how to use this software.

Network diagram:

The diagram must be drawing with detail information

Figure 1: network diagram          PROJECT CHARTER

1. General Project Information

The Project Name:

Computer networking of the HR department.


Eastern Mediterranean University  – Ministry of Education of TRNC

Impact of the project:

2. Project Team





Project Manager:

Aliyu Mubarak

Computer Engineering



Teams Manager

David Benjamin




Configuration Team

Venessa Wisely





Ozcem Can



Fittings Team

Mathew Joseph

Hardware networking



Rick Stevens

Hardware networking



Turgut Hussein

Hardware networking



3. Stakeholders (e.g., those with significant interest or who will be significantly affected by this project)

Eastern Mediterranean University

HR department Employees.

4. Project Scope Statement

Project Purpose / Business Justification

To enable the staff to carry out their daily task more easily with computers.


To increase the quality of the data collection for the students and the managers.




External Storage

Network Connection

Internet Connection

Operating System (Windows)

Visual Basic Contain:

Visual Studio 2016

Ms. Access

Ms. Sqlserver

Meeting hours

Detailed weekly reports


The contracts


This project will be addressed to the managers of the transportation unit of E.M.U. and the students

It will not address the civil society.

Project Milestones

The starting date is 7th December 2018. The ending date is 4th February 2019. The duration is for two months

Major Known Risks (including important Assumptions) Identify obstacles which may cause the project to fail. 


Risk Rating (Hi, Med, Lo)

Delay in shipment


network problems



There are no constraints since there is a legal agreement between the companies and the project managers, they have to hand the things just in time agreed with the Gantt chart. The personal numbers depend on the companies and their working manners

The schedule is done regarding extra time in case of any delays.

External Dependencies

There will be four teams working at the same time and the process will be reported to the team’s manager weekly. It is added to the contract as well. Everyone involved has agreed to this interaction

5. Communication Strategy

Everybody ( Stakeholders – project managers- teams manager- team leaders )  once at the beginning, once at the end of the project

Project managers to the stakeholders  once in two weeks

Project managers to the team managers  once a week

The team managers to the team leaders twice a week

All the reports are submitted weekly. There will be more meetings if needed.

6. Sign-off










Project Managers







Teams Manager



Electron Representative



Anew Access Representative



7. Notes

Everyone involved in the project is obligated to follow up the steps and requirements, work responsibly, professionally, carry out their duties and take action when needed.

2.2.           Communication

The communication will be conducted in four different kinds of meetings:

  • Stakeholders, project managers, team managers and team leaders (at the beginning and the end)
  • Project managers, team managers (once a week)
  • Project managers, stakeholders (once in 2 weeks)
  • Team managers and team leaders (twice a week)

3.        Planning

3.1.           Integration


3.2.            Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Since the products and the steps will be conducted specifically by the companies, the WBS will be depending on their working arrangement and ways. The company is qualified and professional. They have contributed to several similar projects in the past. Therefore we assume they will use the analogy approach, which is adapting the project from the previous similar projects.


3.3.           Scope

The devices will be bought from a company called ‘’ Electron Ltd.’’ and implemented by them. The company is a major distributor and reseller of popular computer and networking brands. The network configurations will be implemented by members of the configuration team. There will be a legal agreement between the project managers and the companies so that they will keep on the track within our Gantt chart. Within each meeting, the reports and the documents will be collected and filed.

3.4.           Time

As an overall project, it will take approximately one month to finish everything from ordering the devices to connecting and implementing the network configurations. The estimated time is more than the real amount of time needed in case any problems come up and the teams need extra time. If the project is completed earlier than expected, the usage and upgrade will be demonstrated to the staff and they will be asked to fill out a questionnaire for better adjustments.


3.5.           Cost

A market survey was carried out and the estimated prices of devices and services needed were found and are tabulated as follow: In addition to the cost of the devices, we will pay ‘’E.M.U IT Department technical Staff’’ 2.000 Lira for the network configurations and 500 Lira yearly for the maintenance. The total cost will be 40,780 Lira for the whole deliverables




Uninterrupted power supply system 


4090 TL

Networking Equipment (Toolbox)


920 TL

Computer repair (diagnosis software)


300 TL

Computers Intel Dual Core Processors 


10,600 TL

Hp Color Printer 


2 578 TL

Black and White Laser Printer 


950 TL

Networking X 20 points cables (100m)

2 500 TL

Network configuration 

2000 TL

Cisco 24 Port Switch or appropriate 


1,170 TL 



4,555 TL

Fixtures and fittings 

11 117 TL


40,780 TL

3.6.           Quality

The most important point we must focus on in quality is effective interconnectivity of the computers, computerized data management and security.

So the main points in quality:

• Connectivity

• Security

• Effective communication between HR. department and server

• Database size depends on how large the data should be

So we must ensure that the devices supplied are of high quality and compatible models, also the companies that we contracted with are professionals in their areas with global standards certifications.

3.7.           Human resources

A team manager and two teams are needed for this project. The team manager is supposed to take reports from each team leader in the meetings and deliver them to the project manager within their meetings. The first team is in charge of fixtures and fittings of the computers and network ports. The second group is to implement the network configurations for the network and devices. Each team must have a team leader, who will keep communicating with the team manager. It will be contracted within the agreements to prevent the delays and misunderstandings.

3.8.           Communication

3.8.1.    Hierarchy of communication



  • Stakeholders, project manager, team manager, and team leaders; will have a meeting at the beginning with the companies directly involved in procurement and also at the end of the project.
  • Project manager and stakeholders; will have a meeting once in 2 weeks until the end of the project. the objective of this meeting is to give update and reports to the stakeholders to keep them informed and up to date on the progress of the project.
  • Project manager and team manager; once every week until throughout the duration of the project to discuss the progress updates and brainstorm how to overcome difficulties or challenges in the project.
  • Team manager and team leaders; will meet twice a week until the end of the project to ensure an effective interoperation of the teams.

3.9.           Risk

The HR Department staff might not be willing or open to the idea of using computers to carry out their daily task as they are not familiar with the computerized system, as such, we will provide training for them to introduce them to the new system and as well as enlighten them on the advantages as well as how it can make their work easier.

3.10.       Procurement

There will be a legal agreement and contract between the project manager and the companies involved. They will be paid half the total amount at the beginning, and the rest when they deliver the products. In addition to delivery, they are also responsible for fixtures and fitting and will be paid duly as agreed.

4.        Execution

4.1.           Integration

We need to ensure that all the devices when networked are functioning properly, we also need to ensure that there is communication between the HR department and the server and security in transmission should be ensured.

We also need to make sure we plan for redundancies like an expansion of the network that may arise in the future if there is a need.

4.2.           Quality

We have investigated and ensured that the products are authentic, the companies are qualified and certified and certified staff who are professionals in their jobs.

4.3.           Communication

group meetings where reports, Information to stakeholders will be given will be conducted. Phone or video calls may also be used if required.

4.4.           Procurement

Selection of the seller is done according to the recommendation and favorable price. The best offers are from the company ‘’Electron’’ for the computer devices and in addition 30% discount for fittings and fixtures if we purchase the devices from them, and lastly, network configurations from the E.M.U. IT Department.

5.        Controlling

5.1.           Integration

The project manager ensures that the project work meets the performance objectives of the project by keeping an eye on the team members with effective communication.

The time scheduled for the project are effectively controlled as the project manager meets with the team manager face-to-face and also via phone calls to know how the work is going and then, the project manager reports to the stakeholders about the progress of the work.

5.2.           Cost

The first payment will be done via a bank transaction so that there will be legal documentation and receipts for the payment. All payments will never be made by hand, and the transaction records will be filed. The cost of the contract will not undergo any change once it is signed by both parties.

5.3.           Quality

The team leader will check the product qualities and the teams of the companies are obligated to submit the projects completed in time perfectly. The companies have standardized quality and they are qualified. There will be no problem with the quality of the devices. However, the project manager will keep track of the project using the Gantt chart and weekly detailed reports. Controlling teams and submitting reports are the jobs of the team manager. He is obligated to submit the reports and possible delays that may occur weekly so that the adjustments can be made in time to complete and submit the project on time.

6.        Closing

6.1.           Integration

Here we have to finalize all the project activities done in order to formally close the project. After finalizing the project activities, we have to proceed to formally close the project in order to continue with other future engagement.

Close project

This is the last thing we have to do in the life cycle of this project. We are going to close the project and officially report the success of the project to the Eastern Mediterranean University and after that, we have to hand over the work assigned to us to them and then cancel the supplier’s contracts, and officially inform the stakeholders of the closure of the project.

Formal acceptance

The Eastern Mediterranean University (E.MU.) have to accept the project, review it and check if they are satisfied with the work done then after that the can accept it.

Lesson learned

From the beginning to the end of the project, we make sure that in the project, every encounter and how we were able to resolve them was documented. After we checked whether we met the objective, reviewing whether the customer was satisfied, were we able to meet the time schedule for the project, did we complete the project within the cost estimated for it, did the quality meet the standard and was the risk identified and how appropriately did we mitigate it. At the end of this review, as a good manager, we were able to meet everything stated from the beginning to the end of the project and our customer was satisfied with our work.

Project archive

As soon we closed our project, we make sure that the project document is archived, thereby putting them in our historical records.

6.2.           Procurement

Closing procurement

Contract file

The project managers ensure that the completion and settlement of contracts and resolution of the contracts are put in order. The project managers should finalize the archival of all data related to how the contract was administered and how the seller performed for future contract work with the seller. 

Lesson learned

The project manager needs to know whether the right type of contract was used, how effective were risk mitigation strategies. Did the buyer and seller assign the right human resources?

Sign off documents

Products are submitted to the university. The contact information is provided for the upcoming maintenance for the network devices. All the documents are signed off. The documents are filed.

7.        Summary

It is a necessity to have a computerized system of data management because of the relevance and importance of security on university information. There are many instances where data and important information is lost due to unforeseen conditions like (fire outbreak, flood or due to difficulty in handling numerous files). This implementation will improve the quality of the service of the HR department and also make their work easier. The estimated time and the budget is perfect which is another plus of this project.


  1. E.M.U. Bus Tracking System by Canay A.T, Farinola T.P., & Shublaq M., 2016. (IT Project Management Plan), Eastern Mediterranean University.
  2. Lahrash M., Elbakoush F., Zubkov O., 2016. DES Encryption system, (IT Project Management Plan), Eastern Mediterranean University.
  3. Harned, B. (2017).Guide to Project Management Plan. Retrieved from https://www.teamgantt.com/guide-to-project-management/how-to-plan-a-project.
  4. Gantt chart template and design, retrieved from https://prod.teamgantt.com/gantt/schedule/?ids=1400108#ids=1400108&user=&custom=&company=&hide_completed=false&date_filter=&color_filter=
  5. Decker, F. (2018). 6 Required Components of a LAN retrieved from https://smallbusiness.chron.com/6-required-components-lan-26555.html
  6. Network Diagram Software, (2018) by Creately, retrieved from https://creately.com/Online-Network-Diagram-Software
  7. Project charter template, retrieved from https://www.nyu.edu/content/dam/nyu/hr/documents/Project_Charter_Template.doc
  8. Project charter template (2015), retrieved from https://www.projectemplates.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Project-Charter-Template.docx
  9. Colorado A., Dash-Odoo Plugin project proposal, retrieved from https://bitcuners.org/DashOdooModule.pdf
  10. Network Design Architecture Sample Project (2016), retrieved from https://www.coursehero.com/file/14163673/Network-Design-Architecture-Sample-project/
  11. Tamirat, A. (2013). Building a Secure Local Area Network, retrieved from https://www.scribd.com/document/321513639/Building-a-Secure-Local-Area-Network


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